Tuesday, April 1, 2008 : 1:40 p.m.
Hydrogeophysical Evaluation of Federal College of Agriculture Akure, Campus Ondo State,Nigeria
basement, fractured basement and resistive bedrock. The identified weathered and fractured basement materials constitute the main aquifer units in the area. The isopach map generated revealed areas underlain by thicker overburden materials marked Z1 at location 1, Z2 at location 2, Z3, Z4 and Z5 at location 3 and Z6 and Z7 at location 4. Bedrock relief map revealed that the depressions zones are mostly overlain by relatively thick overburden materials portions while the basement ridge zones are overlain by thin overburden materials. The maps enabled the zoning of the locations into high, medium and low groundwater potential zones. High and medium groundwater potential zones underlie the northeastern area of Location 1, central area of Location 2, northeastern, western and southeastern areas of Location 3 and southwestern and parts of southeastern areas of locations 4. Northwestern and southeastern parts of Location 1, western and eastern parts of Location 2, central parts of Location 3 and northern and southern parts of Location 4 constitute low groundwater potential zones. The VES stations underlain by high and medium groundwater zones in the study locations are viable for groundwater development within the College campus.
Keywords: Resistivity, Geoelectric, aquifer, isopach, anomaly , overburden, fractured and bedrock.
Mogaji, Kehinde Anthony, Fedearl University of Technology Akure, P.M.B. 704. Ondo State Nigeria. A Lecturer in the Department of Applied Geophysics ,Fedearl University of Technology Akure, P.M.B. 704. Ondo State Nigeria. I graduated from thesame Department with second Class Upper division in Bachelor of Technology in Applied Geophysics and had Master of Technolgy in Exploration Geophysics. I am currently a doctoral student in thesame institution.