Monday, March 31, 2008
Understanding the Origin and Chemical Evolution of the Ground Water in the Turpan Basin, West China
High TDS values were recorded in shallow groundwater during the high water season, and low TDS values were recorded in deep groundwater during the low water season. The groundwater changes from fresh water to saline water and the salinity tends to increase along the flow paths from the recharge area to the discharge area. The variability in the δ18O values of the groundwater were used in association with chloride concentrations to provide information about the mixing characteristics of the groundwater within the Basin. Dissolution of salts from soil sediments appears to be the dominant mechanism of groundwater salinity.
Keyiseer Aji Sr., PhD, candidate, Chiba University I am Phd student at chiba university in Japan. I am studing groundwater flow in arid and semi arid region focused on the chemical and invironmental isotopes.