Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 9:40 a.m.
Multimodeling and concurrent use of models for flow and transport in the vadose zone
One method of using conceptually different models is ‘model abstraction’ - a methodology for reducing the complexity of a simulation model while maintaining the validity of the simulation results with respect to the questions that the simulation is to address. Simpler models can be used along with more complex models to reduce uncertainty in the simulations, to make the modeling effort and its results more explicable and transparent to end users, and to enable more efficient use of available resources in data collection and computations. An example of systematic model abstraction was developed for the case of infiltration in a variably saturated soil when the complex original model gave inexplicable simulation results. Model abstraction produced a transparent process description with the simpler model.
Another way to take advantage of model multiplicity is to combine results obtained with different models using weights. This approach, called multimodeling, is appropriate when different PTFs are available to simulate unsaturated flow. The similarity in results with the different PTFs may require dimensionality reductions. Application of the multimodeling approach to infiltration showed that monitoring soil water regime in combination with multimodel simulations can be a viable approach for simulating unsaturated flow.
Overall, systematic use of multiple models can substantially improve the worth of monitoring data and the use of monitoring resources.
Yakov Pachepsky, USDA-ARS Yakov Pachepsky is a soil scientist working on contaminant hydrology of variably saturated soils. He is currently a lead scientist on USDA-ARS project on fate and transport of manure-borne pathogenic microorganisms and on the joint USDA-NRC transport on model abstraction in water flow and solute transport.
Thomas Nicholson, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Thomas Nicholson is a Senior Technical Advisor in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). He has served in the research office for 25 years, and has worked at the USNRC for 30 years. His principal responsibilities are as the agency technical advisor in hydrogeology and radionuclide transport at nuclear facilities. He formulated and directed research studies in unsaturated and saturated flow and radionuclide transport monitoring and modeling. He holds a B.S. in geological sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a M.S. in hydrogeology from Stanford University, and is a registered professional geologist.