Monday, March 31, 2008 : 10:10 a.m.
Snow on the Mountains, Green Grass, and Indianapolis: A Model of a Colleague
I figured I needed to learn something about groundwater modeling if I was going to teach hydrogeology at The University of Montana. As I was working on my Ph.D., Professor Anderson had given me a copy of Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 55 and suggested I might want to use a groundwater model. I had been introduced to groundwater modeling by Herb Wang at the University of Wisconsin , but… in 1977 who had access to a computer in Lame Deer, Montana . Thus, I encountered an enthusiastic teacher in Indianapolis , Indiana who became a valued colleague over the years. Not that we did projects together, we just took time to talk and tell stories at professional meetings over the years. Tom’s friendship and professionalism were models for new and establish faculty mentoring colleagues and students.