Tuesday, April 1, 2008 : 1:40 p.m.
Ground Water in Alabama: Rediscovery of an Old Friend
Ground-Water in
Rediscovery of an Old Friend
Drought conditions, periodic water shortages, and economic growth in Alabama in recent years is prompting water supply systems, local governments, and state and federal agencies to formulate plans for securing future water supplies. A major part of this planning process includes scientific and engineering data concerning water source availability and development.
Marlon Cook, Geological Survey Of Alabama Marlon Cook is manager of the Hydrogeology Group at the Geological Survey of Alabama. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and a Masters of Science degree in Hydrogeology from the University of Alabama He was an Exploration Geophysicist in oil and gas exploration in Tulsa Oklahoma, Jackson Mississippi, and Houston Texas and has worked for the past 17 years as a Hydrogeologist with the Geological Survey of Alabama involved in research to protect and develop the ground-water and surface-water resources of Alabama. This work includes aquifer assessments, hydrostratigraphic and geochemical analyses, and watershed investigations.