Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 8:00 a.m.
Geochemical Reactive Transport Modeling of Tungsten in Soils
Tungsten is used in several munitions, largely as an alternative to lead or depleted uranium. Very little quantitative data are available describing the fate, transport and toxicology of tungsten in soil systems. Tungsten metal in bullets oxidizes to tungsten oxides in soil. In aqueous solution, tungsten can form a variety of mobile species, generally dominated by the tungstate oxyanion (WO4=), but also can polymerize to polytungstates or heteropolytungstates, and is subject to a variety of surface complexation and mineral precipitation/dissolution reactions. Column studies with multiple combinations of clean and tungstate-bearing soils were conducted to characterize W leaching from soils in response to changes in aqueous geochemistry, including PO43-, SO4=, Cl-, and pH of 3 (HNO3) and 11 (NaOH). Geochemical reactive transport modeling (PHAST) provides a framework for the integration of expanding data into transparent, internally consistent, conceptual and numerical models. This ongoing effort will provide decision support tools for risk assessment and abatement related to tungsten in the environment.
Christian J. McGrath, PG, U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center Mr. McGrath is a Research Physical Scientist with the U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center, Environmental Laboratory in Vicksburg, MS. He conducts applied and basic research consistent with Army/Corps priorities related to groundwater cleanup and biogeochemical reactive transport modeling. Mr. McGrath holds a B.S. and M.S. in Geology (U. Georgia and U. Nebraska, respectively), is a registered PG in Tennessee, and continues his graduate education in materials science.