Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 1:20 p.m.
Water Budget Results from Selected Models of the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer System
David E. Langseth, Gradient Corp. Dr. Langseth is a registered professional engineer with over 20 years domestic and international experience in consulting and academic settings. He is currently a Principal at Gradient Corporation. He has worked on a variety of water resources management issues, including ground water flow and contaminant transport, integrated watershed modeling, watershed specific water quality criteria evaluation, TMDL evaluation, point source discharge evaluation, storm water management and modeling, ground water/surface water interactions, and discharge permitting. Dr. Langseth also has experience dealing with environmental remediation, environmental impact assessment, and environmental program management.
Eric J. Wannamaker, Gradient Corporation Mr. Wannamaker is an environmental engineer specializing in the fate and transport of contaminants in ground water and surface water, with expertise in vapor intrusion, design and operation of ground water treatment systems, contaminant transport and hydrological modeling, statistical and geostatistical data analyses, and database management. Mr. Wannamaker was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.