Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 10:00 a.m.
Using Simple Groundwater Modeling as a Tool for Conceptual Site Model Development and Testing: An Example from the Hanford Site, Washington
Craig C. Arola, Vista Engineering Technologies, LLC Mr. Arola is a Senior Environmental Scientist with Vista Engineering Technologies, LLC in Kennewick, Washington. He has a B.A. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia and an M.S. in Geology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Arola has worked on numerous environmental contamination projects throughout the United States during the past 12 years. Mr. Arola's expertise includes environmental modeling, geologic and environmental characterization, and environmental data analysis.
Matthew J. Tonkin, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. Mr. Tonkin is an Associate with S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland. Mr. Tonkin has a B.S. in Applied Geology and an M.S. in Hydrogeology from Birmingham University (England). Mr. Tonkin's expertise is in data synthesis to resolve environmental issues, including managing data collection, developing and managing databases, applying models, and presenting information to support decision making.
David S. Miller, Fluor Government Group Dr. Miller is leading strategic integration for the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project group at Fluor in Richland, Washington. Dr. Miller has a Ph.D. in Geoenvironmental Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Miller is a registered Professional Engineer and Professional Geologist. Dr. Miller’s technical expertise includes contaminant fate and transport, real-time characterization, treatment technologies and project management.