Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 3:20 p.m.
The Development of a Spring 2007 Potentiometric-Surface Map of the Sparta-Memphis Aquifer and the Impact of Hydrologic Connection to the Overlying Alluvial Aquifer in Certain Areas of the Mississippi Embayment
Water-levels contours in the Sparta-Memphis potentiometric-surface map depict 13 large areas of depression, 5 are in
Hydrologic connection between the Sparta-Memphis aquifer in western Cross and
Tony P. Schrader, U.S. Geological Survey BS in chemistry and geology from the University of Wisconsin, graduate work in sedimentary geochemistry at North Carolina State University. Began work with the USGS in 1988 in North Carolina. Hazardous materials investigations for EPA and DOD environmental contaminants projects from 1990 to 1997 in North Carolina and Arkansas. Work on the ground-water network project for the USGS-Arkansas Water Science Center from 1997 to present. Project chief for ground-water network and Sparta Recovery projects.