Tuesday, April 1, 2008 : 3:45 p.m.
Geological Storage as a Carbon Mitigation Option
The "geological storage" version of CCS involves capture of CO2 before it is emitted into the atmosphere and subsequent injection of the CO2 into deep geological formations. Injection of CO2 into deep formations leads to a multiphase flow problem that may involve important mass exchange between phases, nonisothermal effects, and complex geochemical reactions. In addition, because enormous quantities of CO2 must be injected to have any significant impact on the atmospheric carbon problem, the spatial scale of the problem becomes very large.
Broad questions involving the fate of the injected CO2, including possible leakage of CO2 out of the formation, as well as the fate of displaced fluids like resident brines, lead to very challenging modeling and analysis problems. Because important leakage pathways can be very localized, and their properties can be highly uncertain, an overall analysis of the system requires resolution of multiple length scales in the context of a probabilistic approach. These requirements render standard numerical simulators ineffective due to excessive computational demands. A series of simplifying assumptions may be proposed to provide more efficient numerical calculations, even to the point of allowing for analytical or semianalytical solutions.
Michael Celia, Princeton University Celia is chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. He received a B.S. in civil engineering from Lafayette College in 1978, and an M.S. (1979) and Ph.D. (1983) in civil engineering from Princeton University. In 1985, he joined the faculty of MIT, returning to Princeton in 1989 to join the civil engineering faculty. Celia's areas of research include ground water hydrology, ecohydrology, numerical modeling, contaminant transport simulation, and multiphase flow physics. Ongoing projects include pore-scale network modeling to study interface dynamics, reactive transport, and scaling in porous media systems.