Wednesday, April 2, 2008 : 1:20 p.m.
Hydrogeological Characterization of the Mancora Aquifer System, Northern Peru
Victor Michael Heilweil, Ph.D., US Geological Survey Dr. Heilweil serves as both Ground Water Specialist and Research Hydrologist for the USGS Utah Water Science Center. He has technical oversight of all ground-water related projects within the center. Current research is focused on natural and artificial ground-water recharge to permeable bedrock aquifers, applying environmental tracers including age-dating and dissolved-gas geochemistry for evaluating recharge rates and ground-water residence times. Other research interests include vadose-zone hydrology, gas-partitioning tracers, fractured bedrock hydraulics, and ground water in developing nations (recent projects in Latin America and Africa). Recent research has been published in Ground Water, Vadose-Zone Journal, and Water Resources Research.