Class V Permitting to Prevent Surface Water Impacts

Wednesday, April 14, 2010: 3:10 p.m.
Tabor Auditorium (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
Sonja Massey , Alabama Department Of Environmental Management, Montgomery, AL
The State of Alabama has primacy for the UIC Program and maintains a permitting program which requires a permit for all Class V injection wells.  This presentation will provide a brief overview of the Class V permitting program requirements and will feature details of two permits for relatively large volume discharge facilities which are located near surface waters.  Due to the proximity to surface waters, both permits contain upgradient and downgradient surface water quality monitoring requirements. 

The first permit to be discussed is for a subsurface discharge of highly treated poultry processing wastewater.  The adjacent surface water is a low flow water quality limited stream.  The permit for this facility also includes seasonal discharge limitations.  The second permit which will be discussed is for a discharge of secondary treated sanitary wastewater.