Methods and Applications of Hydraulic Fracturing Technologies Applied to in-Situ Biological, Chemical and Bio-Chemical Remediation

Monday, April 12, 2010
Continental Foyer (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
Vincent Barlock, MS, CPG , Vista GeoScience LLC, Golden, CO
John Fontana, BS, PG , Vista GeoScience LLC, Golden, CO
William Mahaffey, PhD , Pelorus Environmental & Biotechnology Corp., Evergreen, CO
Seth Hunt , Foremost Environmental Solutions, Lakewood, CO
      Recent advances in direct-push, drilling, ground surface displacement monitoring, and bio-enhanced or chemical-enhanced proppants, in conjunction with a wide-variety of injectate options, has thrust hydraulic fracturing into the environmental mainstream for the remediation of contaminated soil and ground water.  A patented method was developed that uses hydrofracturing technology to install enhanced in situ biological “treatment sheets” in contaminated soil and groundwater zones to bioaugment and/or biostimulate indigenous microbes.   Under a cooperative agreement with the EPA, teaming partners successfully demonstrated this technology in tight soil conditions for the GSA at the Denver Federal Center in 1995.  The patent was expanded to include any chemical, biological and bio-chemical treatment of contaminated soils or ground water.  The technology improves the economics of site restoration, especially in low permeability soil and rocks. 

     Chemical and bio-chemical treatments utilize fractures with proppants to improve contact time with the contaminant and create an environment that accelerates the remediation process.  Patented tooling and technology are presented that have allowed previously inaccessible impacted media to now be fractured and remediated.  Hydraulically emplaced Chem-Net™ and Bio-Net™ systems include chemical oxidants, reductive treatments, aerobic and anaerobic biological systems, bacteria augmentation, and combinations of chemical and biological treatments, and conversion of the treatment system from one type to another. 

     Recent technical advances and demonstrated closures at multiple industrial and DOD sites have documented that these systems can be installed using either direct-push technology in or hollow stem auger methods in bedrock formations.  Both methods allow the placement of permanent and temporary injection and monitoring points for future remedial treatments and performance monitoring.      Quantitative real-time surface deformation monitoring technologies have advanced the accuracy of estimates of the radius of influence.  Three dimensional geophysical methods that have the ability to monitor subsurface distribution and movement of fluids during injection and remediation are also discussed.