Stormwater Management and Aquifer Recharge

Monday, April 12, 2010: 11:05 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
Lawrence A/B (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
How can low impact development and stormwater management help eliminate the pollutant load from a groundwater replenishment perspective? What is the status of research on groundwater quality impacts? Most publications carry the message of how the practice helps surface water quality, but does it have the same effect on groundwater? To what degree is groundwater quality being considered, or is it being ignored? We present abstracts which address these questions.
Christine Reimer
11:05 a.m.
11:25 a.m.
Emerging Contaminant Migration Between Surface and Subsurface Waters
Chad D. Drummond, PE, Geosyntec Consultants; Cherilyn Carrara, Geosyntec Consultants; Kelly Wittwer, Ph.D., Geosyntec Consultants; Brandon Steets, PE, Geosyntec Consultants
11:45 a.m.
Well Rehabilitation Method to Enhance Recharge Capacity of Storage and Recovery System in Fractured Rock Aquifer
Bibhuti Panda, AMEC Earth & Environmental Inc.; Richard Bansberg, AMEC Earth & Environmental Inc.
12:05 p.m.
Lakehaven Utility District's OASIS Project: ASR in Progress
F. Michael Krautkramer, Robinson, Noble & Saltbush Inc.; Joseph E. Becker, Robinson Noble & Saltbush Inc
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