Groundwater Monitoring—Tools, Technologies, Methods, and Strategies

Monday, April 12, 2010: 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Horace Tabor/Molly Brown (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
Meeting the nation’s water needs presents new challenges and highlights the importance of educating the public about groundwater resources. Actions to increase the overall water supply will require more understanding and protection of groundwater, especially from contamination and overuse. Monitoring and evaluation must be conducted long-term at appropriate scales so that future groundwater issues are not overlooked or misunderstood. Proper stewardship of the nation’s groundwater is important to avoid quality degradation and land subsidence, and will rely on monitoring information. This session will showcase recent developments in all phases of groundwater monitoring, including water resources assessment and management and contamination characterization and remediation. The session will include presentations on: • Monitoring at multiple scales • Data collection methods • Equipment and technologies for monitoring • USGS NAWQA • Use of modeling and statistics for monitoring design and assessment • The role of monitoring in protecting and managing groundwater resources • Local water agency case studies.
Timothy K. Parker, PG, CEG, CHG
1:30 p.m.
An Approach to Evaluate Groundwater Flow Direction at Low Hydraulic Gradient Sites
Adam C. Griffin, PE, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.; Khandaker Ashfaque, Ph.D., PE, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.; Elena Moreno-Barbero, Ph.D., Almeria; Gaston Leone, PE, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.; Scott Potter, Ph.D., PE, ARCADIS U.S. Inc.
2:10 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
A Geostatistical Methodology for the Optimal Design of Space-Time Hydraulic-Head Monitoring-Networks and Application to the Valle De Querétaro Aquifer
Hugo Enrique Júnez, M.E., National University of Mexico; Graciela S. Herrera, Ph.D., National University of Mexico
2:50 p.m.
USE of MULTI-Variate Statistical ANALYSIS to Optimize Site Remediation MONITORING
Brian E. Caldwell, PG, Tetra Tech Inc.; Tiffany N. Downey, Ph.D., Tetra Tech Inc.; Patty Marajh-Whittemore, U.S. Navy
3:10 p.m.
ATP and Its Use in Environmental Groundwater Assessment
Eric Duderstadt, Water System Engineering Inc.
See more of: Topical Sessions