The USGS Toxics Substances Hydrology Research Program uses the cycle subdivisions of the Lockatong Formation to define the hydrogeologic framework at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) fracture rock research site in the investigation of remediation issues dealing with chlorinated solvents in fractured bedrock aquifers. The USGS used cyclic subdivision in the Passaic Formation to define the hydrogeologic framework at three solvent contamination sites and also for investigations of naturally high arsenic- and uranium- bearing water zones from both formations.
Fissile and indurated strata within the cycles generally are water bearing or semi-confining units, respectively, near land surface and become non-water bearing strata at depths greater than 150 meters. Mapping the surface and subsurface extent of the 51 members of varying lithology and hydrogeologic properties has the long-term potential to enable evaluation of the fate and transport of groundwater contamination, the contributing area to supply wells, and the exclusion of strata with high contents of natural contaminants for use as potable water source.
See more of: Fractured Rock
See more of: Topical Sessions