Laboratory measurements on samples from the site revealed that Archie power-law parameters relating resistivity to moisture content exhibit significant spatial variability impractical to quantify over the extent of the field survey. Hence, this study focused on inferring spatiotemporal variability in moisture dynamics from variation in changes of conductivity over time. Conductivity depth profiles were generated for tree versus non-tree locations using resistivities from corresponding finite element mesh voxel coordinates. These profiles reveal a stable temporal profile beneath trees relative to a pronounced decrease in conductivity over time for non-tree locations. Relative changes in conductivity from 6 am versus 6 pm surveys revealed that both tree and non-tree locations are more conductive at 6 am, although changes are greatest at tree locations. This finding is likely diagnostic of hydraulic lift in trees. Regardless of location, the differences between 6 am and 6 pm surveys are consistent with HR, impacting moisture content across the entire survey area.
See more of: Groundwater Remediation
See more of: Topical Sessions