Constellation C (Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor)
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an update on a U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) grant awarded to Altela, Inc., Argonne National Laboratory, BLX, Inc. and CWM Environmental, Inc. The project aims to demonstrate that the recently-patented AltelaRain® technology can be successfully deployed in the Marcellus Shale Basin, such that it can operate within state and federal regulatory requirements and be cost-effective. The AltelaRain® technology can provide unique benefits not only to industry, but also to common water resource and environmental stakeholders. Phase I will outline and address the regulatory steps required to site and operate the system, and reuse the clean water following treatment. Various barriers to adoption will be highlighted to demonstrate to industry that these perceived impediments and barriers can be successfully addressed to provide a new approach to the Marcellus Shale’s produced and frac water management and treatment. Phase II will focus on deploying the AltelaRain® technology at a Marcellus Shale gas well to demonstrate that water quality, economic and regulatory requirements can be met. Phase III will take a life-cycle approach to highlight the benefits to industry by adopting such an integrated technology approach for sustainable water resource management.
See more of: Water/Energy Coreliance: Sustainability Planning for Both Resources (cont.)
See more of: Policy/Regulatory/Economics
See more of: Topical Sessions
See more of: Policy/Regulatory/Economics
See more of: Topical Sessions