2011 Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting

Evaluating Water Resource Availability and Sustainability in a Water-Constrained World

Tuesday, May 3, 2011: 10:45 a.m.-12:05 p.m.
Annapolis/Baltimore (Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor)
As competition for water increases, groundwater professionals will be teaked with maximizing the resource to meet human, energy, agricultural, and ecosystem needs. This session will focus on assessing the status of the data and information infrastructure and what challenges it poses to effectively evaluate and manage groundwater in a water-constrained world. This session focuses on groundwater level and quality monitoring; water use monitoring data availability; data management and sharing; monitoring network development; identification and integration and of other data sources such as for stream flow, precipitation, snowpack; and decision-support tools.
John R. Jansen, Ph.D., PG
10:45 a.m.
National Ground Water Monitoring Network- New Jersey Pilot
Daryll A. Pope, U.S. Geological Survey;
Steven Domber, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection;
Ray Bousenberry, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

11:05 a.m.
Advancing Science and Policy Using the Federal Advisory Committee Process: SOGW as an Example
David R. Wunsch, Ph.D., PG, National Ground Water Association;
Christine L. Reimer, NGWA

11:25 a.m.
Development of a Groundwater Data Portal for Interoperable Data Exchange and Mediation within the National Ground Water Monitoring Network
Jessica M. Lucido, U.S. Geological Survey;
Nathaniel L. Booth, U.S. Geological Survey;
I-Lin Kuo, U.S. Geological Survey;
Jessica L. Thompson, U.S. Geological Survey;
John R. Hollister, U.S. Geological Survey;
Daryll A. Pope, U.S. Geological Survey;
William L. Cunningham, U.S. Geological Survey

11:45 a.m.
Results From Five National Ground Water Monitoring Network Pilots
William L. Cunningham, U.S. Geological Survey;
Daryll A. Pope, U.S. Geological Survey;
Robert P. Schreiber, PE, BCEE, D.WRE, CDM;
Christine L. Reimer, NGWA