2011 Ground Water Summit and 2011 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting

Advances in Geophysical Monitoring of Flow and Transport (cont.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011: 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Constellation F (Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor)
Lee D. Slater , Frederick Day Lewis and John W. Lane Jr.
1:30 p.m.
Surface Geophysical Surveys Used to Image Electrically Conductive Groundwater Contaminants and Lithology in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Delaware
James Richard Degnan, PG, U.S. Geological Survey;
Michael J. Brayton, U.S. Geological Survey;
Roberto M. Cruz, U.S. Geological Survey

2:10 p.m.
Exploring the Link Between Water Content and Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Times in Partially Saturated Sands
Samuel O. Falzone, Rutgers Newark, State University of New Jersey;
Kristina Keating, Rutgers Newark, State University of New Jersey Rutgers University

2:30 p.m.
Analysis of Ambient Seismic Noise to Estimate Unconsolidated Sediment Thickness: Field Examples of the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method
John W. Lane Jr., U.S. Geologic Survey;
Emily B. Voytek, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Gillian Fairchild, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Eric A. White, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Carole D. Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey;
Denis R. LeBlanc, U.S. Geologic Survey

2:50 p.m.
Applications of FLASH – A Program for Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes
Carole D. Johnson, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Frederick D. Day-Lewis, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Frederick Paillet, U.S. Geologic Survey;
Keith J. Halford, Ph.D., U.S. Geologic Survey;
John H. Williams, U.S. Geologic Survey

3:10 p.m.
Bringing 3-D Hydraulic Tomography Into Field Practice: Opportunities, Complications, and New Developments
Michael Cardiff, Ph.D., Boise State University;
Warren Barrash, Boise State University

See more of: Groundwater Remediation
See more of: Topical Sessions