Ralph N. Smith , B.A.

Wisconsin Ground Water Association

Ralph N. Smith received a B.A. in Geography (Soil Geomorphology) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985. He was a member of the UW-Madison Soil Science Department Academic Staff from 1986-1987 on nitrogen/corn experiments. In 1989 he studied Physical Hydrogeology at UW-Milwaukee. In 1990-1991, Smith was the Lead for the State of Montana as a Hydrogeologist for the Solid Waste Program. In 1992 he started LandFarm Inc. In 1994 he worked for Blue Ridge Services in Bozeman, Montana as an Environmwental Consultant. From 1996-1999 he worked as a consultant to find new markets for phlogopite mica. From 2000 to the present, Smith has worked for the State of Wisconsin as a Petroleum Hydrogeologist in the Bureau of PECFA (Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Act).