Tuesday, June 24, 2008 : 1:40 p.m.
Predicting MTBE Legacy Impacts to the Sole Source Aquifer of Long Island, NY
During the study, 52 gasoline retail stations in Nassau and
Based upon the study findings, the per site costs of the study, and the estimated potential average per site costs at the projected MTBE impact sites, projections of the scope of the regional environmental contamination and its potential remedial costs were possible. Numerous projections stemming from the data collected are presented, including the estimated range of potential remedial costs associated with the MTBE legacy in Long Island,
Kristy A. Salafrio, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kristy Salafrio is an Engineering Geologist 1 with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Environmental Remediation, Bureau of Spill Prevention and Response in Long Island. Kristy has been managing the USEPA funded MTBE Grant program since she started with the DEC 5 years ago. She is also responsible for supervising groundwater investigation and remediation projects for New York State.
Joseph E. Haas II, M.S., PE, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Joe has 19 years experience working as a state regulator managing a remedial section. He holds both Engineering Geologist and Hydrogeologist specialty licenses. Joe has been involved in research with representatives of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. These research efforts have been credited as having made significant contributions to the understanding of the characteristics of MTBE in the sub-surface environment and having influenced the national debate on the use of MTBE in gasoline. The Office of Research and Development acknowledged his contributions, in 2002, in the form of an award for Exceptional Support to ORD.
2008 NGWA Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues