NGWA Conference on Groundwater and Food Production

Leading the Way: How the Lone Star State Balances Agriculture and Groundwater

Thursday, October 10, 2013: 3:05 p.m.
Jay Bragg , Texas Farm Bureau, Waco, TX

Texas Farm Bureau is the largest agriculture state in the U.S. It traditionally produces all types of livestock and plant crops in challenging climatic conditions, always aware of the impact of its groudnwater resources.
Jay Bragg, Texas Farm Bureau, Waco, TX
Jay Bragg is associate director of Commodity and Regulatory Activities. Bragg graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University’s Arthur Temple College of Forestry with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a minor in Marketing. At the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, he worked with agricultural producers, soil and water conservation districts, universities and other agencies to develop grant projects to address statewide water quality concerns. In 2004, Bragg began working for the Brazos River Authority as the Permitting and Regulations coordinator and later became the Environmental Planner for the Central and Lower Brazos River Basin.