Wellbore Barriers--More Than Just a Good Cement Job

Monday, March 4, 2019: 8:30 a.m.
Glen Benge , Benge Consulting, The Woodlands, TX

There are many factors to creating effective and resilient wellbore barriers, only one of which is the proper cementing.
Glen Benge, Benge Consulting, The Woodlands, TX
Retired from ExxonMobil where he spent more than 24 years working as a technical adviser in drilling, Benge has 40 years of experience associated with all aspects of well cementing and isolation, and has authored numerous papers and texts on all aspects of cementing design and application. He served as the testifying expert for the U.S. Department of Justice for evaluation of cementing on the Deepwater Horizon case. He’s past chairman of API Subcommittee 10 on Oil Well Cementing and remains an active member and work group chair. Benge has authored technical papers on zonal isolation and wellbore isolation for containment of gas migration, fluid isolation, and pressure containment for long-term wellbore integrity. He is a technical editor for SPE Drilling & Completion journal, and has served as session chairman for the National AADE Conference and on the steering committee for the SPE Forum on Advanced Drilling Techniques. Benge serves on industry advisory groups for the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Energy Technology Laboratory. He’s past president of the New Orleans Chapter of the American Association of Drilling Engineers and is a senior member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, a technical editor since 2003, and received the SPE recognition for “A Peer Apart” in 2013.