Flexible Adaptive Decision Document and Attentive Implementation of Combined Remedies – ERH and ERD - at NPL Site, Grants, NM

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 1:35 p.m.
Sairam Appaji , Region 6, U.S. EPA, Dallas, TX
James Cummings , US EPA, Washington D.C., DC

This presentation will discuss the development of a flexible, progressive Combined Remedy Record of Decision (ROD) for an NPL drycleaner site in Grants, NM. The presentation will discuss implementation of Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) beneath an operating dry cleaner to address source zone PCE, and Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination (ERD) to address less contaminated zones and the downgradient dissolved phase plume. Results, Lessons Learned – e.g., protection of utilities in the ERH zone, and trend data in dissolved phase contamination will be presented.

Sairam Appaji, Region 6, U.S. EPA, Dallas, TX

James Cummings, US EPA, Washington D.C., DC