Craig Sandefur
Craig SandefurTechnical Services, REGENESIS, San Clemente, CA
Craig Sandefur is Vice President of Technical Services for REGENESIS and is recognized as an expert in the field of aerobic and anaerobic bioremediation. He has over 17 years of experience in the remediation industry and has developed much of REGENESIS’ current product application capabilities. In this role, Mr. Sandefur was the focal point in the development of what is now commonly accepted direct-push application protocols for delivery of electron acceptors like ORC® and ORC Advanced®, electron donors like HRC® and 3-D Microemulsion (3DME)® and chemical oxidants like RegenOx®. Mr. Sandefur has successfully designed and implemented a wide-range of in situ remediation strategies on hundreds of projects worldwide. He received his BSc. in Biology from Southwestern Union College in Keene, TX and his MSc. in Geology from Loma Linda University in Riverside, CA.