Panel and Group Brainstorming: How Can Better Site Characterization Lead to More Effective Management of Large Plumes?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: 2:45 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Why are so many sites not performing as expected when our ability to remediate has improved? Are our remedial designs built on too many assumptions? Do we need to rearrange the dynamic process and organize the information we have differently? Flow vectors, new and existing tools, improved understanding of the dynamics of the system—are we asking the right questions to refine our approaches or are we simply employing what we’ve been doing? The panel of groundwater professionals will challenge your current practice and why we need to start thinking differently if we wish to improve our impact on contaminated sites.
John Wilson, Ph.D
Tyler Gass, PG, PHg , Denis R. LeBlanc and Joseph Quinnan, PE, PG
See more of: General Submissions