Relationship between pH and Dissolved Methane Concentrations in Groundwater from Water Wells in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Dissolved methane has been found in the groundwater from domestic water wells in many locations in northeastern Pennsylvania. The dissolved methane can be naturally occurring thermogenic, diagnetic, or biogenic, or sourced from anthropogenic activities. The presence of dissolved methane has been reported to be associated with changes in geochemistry including increases in pH. The relationship between temporal changes in the dissolved methane concentrations and the pH level were examined within individual domestic water wells.
Dissolved methane has been found to be variable in domestic water wells. These variations are attributed to several factors, including changes in atmospheric conditions, physical disturbances, anthropogenic sources, the action of water well pumping, etc. Sampling and laboratory analysis for dissolved methane requires specialized sampling and analytical techniques. Identification of a surrogate parameter that is amendable to direct measurement in the field, such as pH, would be highly desirable for use in screening and identification of domestic water wells requiring further evaluation. It has been suggested that changes in pH may be an appropriate surrogate.
Comprehensive and frequent monitoring data for dissolved methane, pH, and other water-quality parameters were available for four groups of domestic water wells: (1) wells with no known impact from oil and natural gas drilling activities (approximately 28 wells), (2) wells with known perturbation of natural gas from a natural gas production well, (3) domestic wells sampled prior to the initiation of oil and natural gas drilling activity (predrill samples), and (4) wells under investigation for complaints related to the presence of increased levels of dissolved methane (18 wells). Analytical data for these domestic water wells were evaluated for short-term temporal variability in dissolved methane and pH. The data were evaluated to determine if any consistent predictive relationship exists between dissolved methane and pH and other water-quality parameters in groundwater in northeastern Pennsylvania.