Developing the Conceptual Model
Thursday, November 7, 2013: 9:15 a.m.
Neven Kresic, Ph.D., PG
AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Chantilly, VA
Conceptual site models (CSMs) are now increasingly developed in a quantitative manner from the beginning of most commercial projects and are ready to be translated into numeric models effortlessly, at any stage of the project. Using a quantitative CSM and a numeric model simultaneously is invaluable for assessing uncertainties in both, and provides a very much needed feedback for their improvement. Notwithstanding that a professional hydrogeologic judgment is irreplaceable at the end, this presentation focuses on application of geostatistical, probabilistic, and visualization programs for CSM development and includes discussion on various interactions between conceptual and numeric models, as well as their potential misuse.
Neven Kresic, Ph.D., PG, AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc., Chantilly, VA
Neven Kresic is a Senior Principal Hydrogeologist and Hydrogeology Practice Leader at AMEC in Atlanta, GA. He is a professional hydrogeologist and geologist with over 30 years of groundwater and surface water-related teaching, research, and consulting experience working with U.S. and international clients. His areas of expertise include groundwater engineering, development, and remediation; groundwater modeling; and expert witness testimony. He is author of more than 50 papers and nine books, including his latest titled Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models: Data Analysis and Visualization. Kresic was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the U.S. Geological Survey. He is a founding member of the NGWA Groundwater Modeling Interest Group.