Monday, October 22, 2007: 3:20 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Steroidal Hormones: Sources, Fate, Transport, and Treatment (Hilton Orange County)
Steroidal Hormones: Sources, Fate, Transport, and Treatment
3:20 p.m.Interaction of Estrogens with Wastewater Solids [ Manuscript ]
Ruth Marfil-Vega and Makram T. Suidan, University of Cincinnati
3:45 p.m.Fate of 17b-estradiol and Total Estrogenic Activity at Six Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Arizona [ Manuscript ]
Sondra S. Teske1, Robert G. Arnold, Ph.D1, Catherine Propper, Ph.D2, Silke Buschmann2, David Quanrud, Ph.D.1 and Wendell Ela1, (1)University of Arizona, (2)Northern Arizona University
4:10 p.m.Concentrations of Androstenedione and Testosterone in Manure, Effluent, Soil and Surface Water [ Manuscript ]
Laurence Shore, Kimron Veterinary Institute
4:35 p.m.The Ecological Effects of Endocrine Disruption: Quantifying Generational Effects in Threatened and Endangered Fish Species Native to the Southwestern United States
David Walker, Ph.D.1, Nick Paretti, B.S.2, David Alvarez3 and Dana W. Kolpin3, (1)University of Arizona,, (2)University of Arizona and U.S. Geological Survey, (3)USGS

6th International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Enocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water

[ Manuscript ] Manuscripts available online