Monday, October 13, 2008 : 6:00 p.m.
Conflict Resolution Among Common Aquifer Operators by Non-Cooperative Dynamic Stage Game
Population Growth arise from improvement of health situation and increscent in variety requirement in recent decades, leads to abuse of common natural resources. Because of the lack of the resources, necessity of sustainable operation is not avoidable. Most of the optimization model, try to extremis one or more object to satisfy just one decision maker, but in real decision making environment, always there are more than one decision maker. So that implementing the results of optimization model doesn’t match to predefine successful. Game theory is a powerful instrument to modeling the system which included more than one decision maker. In this paper, aquifer operation was modeled in 3 scenarios, base on the operators’ behavior to each other. 1- Use non-cooperative static game 2- Implementation of non-cooperative dynamic stage game. 3- Full cooperative among operators. To comparison the results of above scenarios, operation of common aquifer that exist between municipal and agricultural operators was studied as case study. Results show benefits of cooperative behavior is more than non-cooperative one. Also among non-cooperative models, results of dynamic game are better than static game.
Hamed Mazandarani Zadeh i graduated from civil engineering in BA degree. and 2004 i grauduated from water resources engineering in MS degree and i am a PHD candidate in IUST university.