Monday, October 13, 2008 : 3:10 p.m.
The Dockum Aquifer in Texas: Municipal Replacement for the Ogallala?
Ken Rainwater, Ph.D., PE, BCEE, Texas Tech University Ken Rainwater is the Director of the Texas Tech University Water Resources Center and a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Texas and has a B.S.C.E. from Rice University, and M.S.C.E. and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Ken has 22 years of experience in water resources and environmental engineering. He teaches courses in environmental engineering, engineering hydrology, water systems design, groundwater hydrology, groundwater contaminant transport, and water resources management. His research expertise includes groundwater quantity and quality, remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, and water resources management.
Judy Reeves, Ph.D., PG, Cirrus Associates, LLC Dr. Reeves has over 15 years of experience performing environmental and water resource projects for both private industry and government. Her water resource management experience includes evaluation of water use by agricultural and industrial users and analysis of the various methodologies used for calculation of volume of water in aquifers. She has managed hundreds of environmental investigations and remediation projects for hydrocarbons and hazardous waste sites, including USTs, oil and gas pipelines, chemical plants, etc. Dr. Reeves is an expert on the Ogallala aquifer and is a coauthor of “The Ogallala Aquifer (of the Southern High Plains).”