Difficulties understanding this deep hydrogeologic system arise from three challenges: (1) obtaining information and access from well owners, (2) mapping buried structures and evaluating how they affect groundwater flow, and (3) interpreting water level data given the prevalence of open-borehole wells that artificially connect multiple CRBG aquifers. The latter challenge is particularly acute because (1) each open-borehole well measures a composite pressure head from all contributing aquifers, and (2) groups of production wells in a localized area often are completed at different depths and span different aquifers. Accordingly, these wells provide only a generalized indication of groundwater conditions because the head measurements contain little useful information for quantifying the water budget of a given area. More valuable information can be obtained from pump tests and hydrological age tracer sampling at wells with known construction and known geology, and from observation wells that have water level records spanning many years. Nested observation wells targeting specific interflow zones are especially valuable in the basalt aquifer system because they provide vertical resolution in a manner that a group of uncased wells open to multiple interflow zones (aquifers) cannot provide.