Stormwater Management and Aquifer Recharge

Monday, April 12, 2010: 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Lawrence A/B (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
How can low impact development and stormwater management help eliminate the pollutant load from a groundwater replenishment perspective? What is the status of research on groundwater quality impacts? Most publications carry the message of how the practice helps surface water quality, but does it have the same effect on groundwater? To what degree is groundwater quality being considered, or is it being ignored?
Christine Reimer
1:30 p.m.
Estimation of Groundwater Storage Potential of Kathmandu Valley Aquifers Using GIS Technique
Vishnu P. Pandey, University of Yamanashi; Futaba Kazama, University of Yamanashi
1:50 p.m.
Site Selection for An Aquifer Recharge Demonstration Project in Oklahoma
Wayne D. Kellogg, Chickasaw Nation Division of Commerce
2:10 p.m.
Aquifer Storage and Remote Recovery by Vadose Zone Injection of Flash Flood in Jeju Volcanic Island, South Korea
Yongcheol Kim, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources; Yongje Kim, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources; Dukchul Moon, Jeju Province Institute of Environmental Resources Research; Jinsam Kim, GSI watersolutions Inc.; Jeff Barry, GSI watersolutions Inc.
2:30 p.m.
Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable Water System: A Tool for Sustainable Development of Regional Water Resources
Zhuping Sheng, Ph.D., PE, PHG, Texas A&M University System; Yi Liu, Ph.D., Texas A&M University System
2:50 p.m.
Equus Beds ASR Program - A Source of Future Water Supply
Andrea Rachelle Cole, P.E., Esq., R.W. Beck Inc.; Debra Ary, PE, City of Wichita Water Utilities
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