Produced Water From Oil and Gas Operations: A Waste or Resource?

Monday, April 12, 2010: 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Continental B (Westin Tabor Center, Denver)
Unlike conventional oil and gas resources development, the new shallower exploration plays, such as coal bed methane and shale gas, often require dewatering to extract the gas resource. These sites typically produce tens of thousands of gallons of groundwater per well per day of variable quality. Management and impacts of produced water have become a paramount issue in the Rocky Mountain region where the majority of the United States' proven unconventional gas reserves are located. Most states manage produced water as a waste. In the water-scarce, semiarid west, a producer’s waste may become a water supply with economic benefits. In this session, we present abstracts related to coproduced water, specifically in the areas of: ●Hydrologic and geochemical characterization and modeling ●Groundwater and surface water impacts ●Water treatment options and costs ●Beneficial uses of produced water ●Produced water disposal methods and environmental impacts ●Water rights issues ●Legal and institutional impediments.
Ralf Topper
1:50 p.m.
A Numeric Groundwater Model of the Central Raton Basin for Assessment of Stream Depletion From Coal Bed Methane Produced Water Extraction
Adam Bedard, PE, Norwest Corp.; Michael LeFrancois, Norwest Corp.; Seth Okeson, Norwest Corp.; Jerry Jacob, Ph.D, Pioneer Natural Resources USA Inc.
2:10 p.m.
An Integrated Framework for Treatment and Management of CBM Produced Water
Jorg E. Drewes, Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines; Tzahi Cath, Colorado School of Mines; Pei Xu, Colorado School of Mines; Nathan Hancock, Colorado School of Mines; Katharine Dahm, Colorado School of Mines; Katie Guerra, Colorado School of Mines; Dean Heil, Colorado School of Mines; Jim Graydon, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; Jean Debroux, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; John Veil, Argonne National Laboratory; Seth Snyder, Argonne National Laboratory; Robert Raucher, Stratus Consulting; Wayne Buschmann, Eltron Research
2:30 p.m.
Understanding CBM Produced Water Quality Variability to Design Treatment Processes for Beneficial Use
Katharine Dahm, Colorado School of Mines; Katie Guerra, Colorado School of Mines; Pei Xu, Colorado School of Mines; Dean Heil, Colorado School of Mines; Jorg Drewes, Colorado School of Mines
2:50 p.m.
CBM Produced Water Treatment Selection Module – A Tool to Provide Treatment Alternatives to Improve Water Quality
Nathan T. Hancock, Colorado School of Mines; Xanthe M. Mayer, Colorado School of Mines; Katie L. Guerra, Colorado School of Mines; Tzahi Y. Cath, Colorado School of Mines; Jorg E. Drewes, Colorado School of Mines; Pei Xu, Colorado School of Mines; Katharine Dahm, Colorado School of Mines
3:10 p.m.
Evaluation of Beneficial Use Options of CBM Produced Water
Pei Xu, Colorado School of Mines; Jorg E. Drewes, Colorado School of Mines; Tzahi Cath, Colorado School of Mines; Nathan Hancock, Colorado School of Mines; Katharine Dahm, Colorado School of Mines; Katie Guerra, Colorado School of Mines; Jean Debroux, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; Dawn Taffler, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; Jim Graydon, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; Robert Raucher, Stratus Consulting; Jim Henderson, Stratus Consulting
See more of: Topical Sessions