We successfully used geophysical surveys (electrical resistivity imaging), exploratory test drilling, aquifer tests and ground-water flow modeling to design the raw water supply for de-salinization plants on several properties. The ERI surveys were able to identify subsurface zones that are electrically conductive (saturated with saline water) and have sufficient saturated thickness within the unconsolidated beach aquifer to sustain high capacity well yields. In addition, we have also conducted exploratory test drilling, test well, and aquifer pumping test programs and have utilized digital ground-water flow models in order to design de-salinization production wellfields that maximize yield and minimize the potential for capturing potable fresh water (which is not allowed by the CNA). Results from several case studies for developing high capacity de-salinization water supplies conducted in the Cabo San Lucas area will be included in the presentation.
See more of: Alternative Water Resources
See more of: Topical Sessions