Monday, April 29, 2013
Stormwater runoff and illicit sewage and pollutant dumps in gutters and streets by homeowners, residential subdivisions, businesses and industry, farmers and others in drainways, creeks, streams and lakes is often difficult to locate and once found it is often a challenge to provide a precise incident location, identify and describe the pollutant, and accurately report the incident to the proper city, county, state or federal environmental authorities and law enforcement. It is important to provide complete and accurate information that can withstand potential judicial tests. SectorNow LLC developed the DumpDetective Apple iPhone and iPad portable stormwater permit holder’s incident report and management tool to document illicit solid and liquid sewage discharges to storm drains, outfalls, drainways, streams and lakes. The DumpDetective App utilizes local and area GIS, coupled with GPS, to accurately identify and record discharge and pollution location coordinates, and to allow inspectors to take pictures of the area. Each picture includes the time, date and coordinates. DumpDetective has easy to read and understand drop-down menus and help screens so inspectors can accurately identify incident pollutants, weather conditions and other pertinent incident information. The inspector records the discharge pollutants smell, look, and color, and can add notes for each, then select the incident level of importance. DumpDetective recognizes the responsible jurisdiction, so when the incident report is completed it can be routed from the incident location to the permit holder for immediate action.