Qualitative Risk Assessment for Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in Proximity to the SAWS Regional Carrizo Project

Presented on Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Kenneth Nichols, PE1 and Adam Eddy2, (1)CH2M Hill, Austin, TX, (2)San Antonio Water System, San Antonio, TX

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is currently constructing the Buckhorn Wellfield in Gonzales County, Texas as part of its Regional Carrizo Program. Water from this wellfield will be treated and transported to San Antonio for distribution. There is historic and ongoing oil and gas development activity within the wellfield boundaries, targeting deeper hydrocarbon-bearing units in the Austin Chalk and, more recently, the Eagle Ford Shale. Therefore, for much of the useful life of the project, SAWS’ wellfield facilities will coexist with numerous oil and gas operations, so it was determined that an overall assessment be performed to identify and mitigate potential risks. The presentation will summarize available information related to hydraulic fracturing operations in the area and discuss qualitatively the risk the operations may pose to the Carrizo Aquifer and the Buckhorn Wellfield.

Kenneth Nichols, PE
CH2M Hill, Austin, TX
Kenneth Nichols works in the Austin office of CH2M HILL. His background is in water resources and environmental engineering. Nichols received his bachelor's and master's degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Adam Eddy
San Antonio Water System, San Antonio, TX
Adam Eddy is a project manager with the San Antonio Water System.
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