Discovering and Developing Water Supplies Through Coordinated Public and Private Efforts
Discovering and Developing Water Supplies Through Coordinated Public and Private Efforts
Presented on Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Presentations in this session investigate how cities, private interests, and regulatory agencies can all play supporting roles to discover, develop, and secure groundwater supplies for long-term use. Oftentimes municipalities can be conservative and risk adverse from financial or political standpoints, while private interests are more familiar with business development and risk. Regulatory agencies can provide the bridge that assures the supplies from a regulatory standpoint.
Robert Harden, PE
R W Harden & Associates Inc., Austin, TX
R W Harden & Associates Inc., Austin, TX
Bob Harden is Vice President of R.W. Harden & Associates, Inc. Over the course of his career Bob has been involved in the discovery, acquisition, permitting, and development of new groundwater supplies for municipalities, water supply corporations, industry, and private landowners. Bob has a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering and is a professional engineer in Texas, Mississippi, and Indiana.