Twilight Session: Specifier/Owner - Contractor Conflict during Well Construction Projects
Twilight Session: Specifier/Owner - Contractor Conflict during Well Construction Projects
Curtis (Westin Denver Downtown)
Large drilling projects are often complex construction projects consisting of drilling and completing structures that can be over 2,000 ft in depth while essentially working remotely from the surface. These well drilling construction projects are often further complicated by unknown conditions that are only encountered during the drilling and construction process. These conditions can cause conflict at the well site and can result in significant costs to complete the well.
The goal of the panel discussion is to create a better understanding of the challenges, expectations, and view points of the parties that work together to construct a well. The panel will work towards developing better practices for writing well specifications that will provide competitive bids and acceptable work product for the well owner, be fair to the well-drilling contractor, and reduce conflict and change orders that can occur during well construction.
Thomas Hanna, RPG
Mark Scharenbroich
Christopher Mikell
See more of: Lectures and Panels