Conference Overview
Venue and accommodations
Exhibit/Sponsorship Opportunites
2013 Highlights
2014 NGWA Groundwater Summit
May 04 - 07, 2014
Alphabetical Listing of Sessions
Author Index
Author Index:
Acob, T.
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Aigler, B. V.
Presentation by Brent V. Aigler
Al, T. A.
A New Method for Characterization of Porewater Chemistry in Low-Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Albergo, N.
The State of Water Resources Around the World and Future Challenges in the United States
Aldous, A.
Inventory and Monitoring of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands
Alley, W. M.
Panel: Water Quality is Not Expensive, it is Priceless
Panel: Superfund Combined Remedies - The Time Has Come
H2O Talks
Almulla, M.
Application of Resistivity Imaging in the Assessment of Groundwater in Areas of Springs
Almutairi, A.
The Ground Water Ammonium Sorption onto Activated Clinoptilolite Column
Alvey, R.
Groundwater and Superfund on Long Island, New York—It's Not What You Drink
Amali, S.
Aquifer Storage Recovery for Agriculture—Experience in Northeast Oregon
Anderson, M. K.
Discussion of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Permit Program, Thirteen Years’ Experience in Iowa (2000-2013)
Andres, A. S.
Geochemistry, Isotopes, and Tracers
Use of Radiocarbon Dating to Evaluate Sustainability of Groundwater Pumping in Delaware
Annable, M. D.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Anosike, I. K.
Groundwater Degradation in Nigeria's Niger Delta: When Oil Theft and Illegal Bunkering Take Center Stage
Conserving Groundwater for Farming in Developing Countries: The Case of Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria
Anosike, N.
Conserving Groundwater for Farming in Developing Countries: The Case of Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria
Apfelbaum, M.
Setting the Stage: A Groundwater Transport Model Used to Support an Innovative MNA Approach
Aral, M. M.
Modeling of Groundwater Contamination by Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs)
Asante, J.
Water Sources, Lower Virgin River Basin: Evidence for Deep Groundwater Contribution from Geochemical Tracer Analyses
Askman, D.
What Lies Beneath? Assessing and Compensating for Groundwater Contamination
Assiri, P.
Flowing Artesian Well Field Development in the Central Chi River Basin Project, Northeast Thailand
Aureli, A.
Research to Solutions: Contributions from UNESCO-IHP
Ayotte, J. D.
Presentation by Joseph D. Ayotte
Bach, L.
Inventory and Monitoring of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands
Baird, N.
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Band, L. E.
2014 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture: Critical Zone Processes at the Watershed Scale: Hydroclimate and Groundwater Flowpath Mediated Evolution of Forest Canopy Patterns
Barker, B. W.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Barker, J. F.
Presentation by James F. Barker, Ph.D.
Barker, S.
Fracture-Emplacement and 3D Mapping of a Micro-Iron/Carbon Amendment in TCE-Impacted Sedimentary Bedrock
Barlow, P.
Groundwater Management
Groundwater Management (cont.)
Groundwater Management (cont.)
Barnes, D.
Detection of Discontinuities in a Discontinuous Permafrost Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes and Groundwater Temperature
Barnes, M.
Detection of Discontinuities in a Discontinuous Permafrost Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes and Groundwater Temperature
Barrows, M.
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Barth, G.
A Groundwater Management Toolbox—Anticipating Coordinated Management of Indian and Non-Indian Water Rights
It’s Not a Savings Account: Using an Accurate Analogy for Groundwater’s Role in Ecohydrology
Bearup, L.
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Bedekar, V.
Recent Enhancements to MT3DMS for Simulation of Solute Exchange in Hydraulically Connected Stream-Aquifer Systems
Bekkam, V. R.
Hydrogeochemical Investigations and Solute Transport Modeling of Polluted Coastal Aquifer
Belkhiri, L.
Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Groundwater from Ain Azel Area, Algeria
Berhane, T.
Sorption and Transport of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Palygorskite-Montmorillonite: Effect of Granule Size
Beza, C.
Evaluation of Artesian Pressures in a Multi-Layered Aquifer System
Bickmore, C.
A Combined Abiotic- and Bio-Remediation Approach Saves Money while Improving Performance for In-Situ Anaerobic Remediation
Binning, P.
Enhanced Multi-Objective Optimization of Groundwater Monitoring Networks
Birdie, T.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Birdsall, T. R.
Connate Groundwater from the Precambrian, South Park, Colorado
Boal, A.
Groundwater Remediation Using a Chlorine/Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process
Bode, F.
Enhanced Multi-Objective Optimization of Groundwater Monitoring Networks
Bolger, B.
Simulating the Predevelopment Groundwater-Surface Water Flow System in the San Joaquin Valley, California
Booth, N. L.
National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Portal: Continued Collaboration from Concept to Version 2.0
Bosque, A.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Boukemidja, S.
Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Methods and the Influence of Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Aquifer Surface Recharge
Boving, T. B.
Solubility Enhanced in Situ Chemical Oxidation of VOC Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Pilot Field Test
Britt, S.
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed-In-Situ Snap Sampler Device
Brookfield, A.
Water Management Improvement Strategies for the Kansas Lower Republican River Basin
Brouwers, M.
Parameter Uncertainty for Capture Zone Delineation in a Complex Hydrogeologic Environment
Brownlow, J. W.
The Search for “New” Groundwater Sources: Assessing Unconventional Aquifers
Bures, G.
Fracture-Emplacement and 3D Mapping of a Micro-Iron/Carbon Amendment in TCE-Impacted Sedimentary Bedrock
Burgaard, S.
Superfund or Superwaste??????
Butcher, K. J.
Teaching and Training Tomorrow’s Groundwater Professionals?
Discussion Session: Mentoring Early Career Professionals
Butler, J. J.
Monitoring and Data Management
Monitoring and Data Management (cont.)
Monitoring and Data Management (cont.)
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Byars, B. W.
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Calderhead, A.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Campana, M. E.
Hydrophilanthropy: What Can You Do?
Campbell, F.
Perfluorochemicals: How Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Helped Create a Megaplume
Carbonaro, R.
First Year Progress Report: In Situ CO2 Sparging into a Caustic Brine Plume
Carlson, C. P.
Inventory and Monitoring of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands
Carpenter, P.
Geophysical Exploration of the Solidaridad Municipality, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Casadevall, B.
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Cassidy, D.
Combined Remedies: Success by Design or Default?
Castellazzi, P.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Castle, A.
Remarks by Department of Interior Assistant Secretary for Water and Science
Celejewski, M.
A New Method for Characterization of Porewater Chemistry in Low-Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Cerda, D.
Characterization of Zonal Variation of Water Chemistry in Deep Groundwater Through Application of Miniaturized Technology
Cesar Lucas, M.
Water Balance in the Guarani Aquifer Outcrop Zone, Brazil
Chapman, D.
What Lies Beneath? Assessing and Compensating for Groundwater Contamination
Chaussard, E.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Chenaf, D.
Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Methods and the Influence of Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Aquifer Surface Recharge
Cherney, J.
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Cherry, J. A.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
Chudnoff, S.
The Trials and Tribulations of Developing a County-Wide Water Level Monitoring Program
Conkle, S.
Drilling an Array of Columns to 95 Feet to Install Deep ZVI Permeable Reactive Barrier
Conrey, R.
Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen as Hydrologic Tracers of Aquifer Recharge
Cook, M.
Alabama Groundwater: Policy and Management Based on Comprehensive Hydrogeologic Data
Cooper, E.
Utilizing High Resolution Site Characterization to Maximize Remediation Value in Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Cooper, K.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Coppa, Z.
Use of Radiocarbon Dating to Evaluate Sustainability of Groundwater Pumping in Delaware
Cowie, R.
Academic Contributions to Groundwater Science
Isotopic and Geochemical Characterization of Water Movement Through Abandoned Mine Workings, Nelson Tunnel, Creede, Colorado
Groundwater Tracer Investigations to Support Remedial Investigation—Rico Mining District, Southwest Colorado, USA
Cross, B.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Cruickshank Villanueva, C.
Numerical Model for Mexico Valley Aquifer
Cummings, J.
Introductory Remarks and Framing of the Issues
Cunningham, W. L.
Groundwater and Energy
Groundwater and Energy (cont.)
Collaboration Is Key to Successful Implementation of the National Ground Water Monitoring Network
National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Portal: Continued Collaboration from Concept to Version 2.0
Cutt, D. M.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Dam, W.
Rising and Falling Contaminant Concentrations After Flooding at the Riverton, Wyoming Uranium Mill Tailings Site
Danielson, N.
Sorption and Transport of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Palygorskite-Montmorillonite: Effect of Granule Size
Dappas, T.
Limitations of Vacuum-Enhanced Extraction: Residual LNAPL in Sandy Soils as a Long-Term Source of Contamination
Darrah, T.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
de Carvalho Diniz Melo, D.
Water Balance in the Guarani Aquifer Outcrop Zone, Brazil
de la Cruz, L.
Seasonality of Groundwater Recharge in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America
Dehart, J.
Groundwater Quality In the Vicinity of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Deng, P.
Estimating Evapotranspiration from Groundwater Level Fluctuations
Desai, M. N.
Evaluation of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Ground Water of Bhiloda Taluka, Sabarkantha District, Gujarat, India
Divine, C. E.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Dodd, J.
Reactive Transport Model for Drilling Fluid Contamination, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Doesburg, J.
Revisiting the Radial Collector Well: Applying New Technologies To Enhance Value
Dougherty, J. N.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Doveton, J.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Dulovicova, R.
Hydraulic Conductivity and Permeability of Sediments in Irrigation Canals
Dumas, L.
Mapping Shoreline Groundwater Interactions in Southern California Using Geophysical Methods
DuMont, A.
Groundwater and Stream Water Dynamics in a Premontane Transitional Rainforest Using Stable Isotope Techniques
Eberle, D. E. H.
Solubility Enhanced in Situ Chemical Oxidation of VOC Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Pilot Field Test
Eberts, S. M.
Presentation by Sandy M. Eberts, P.H.G.
Ebraheem, A.
Application of Resistivity Imaging in the Assessment of Groundwater in Areas of Springs
Eschner, T. R.
Water Quality Outside of Capture Zone Improves with System Operation
Evans, P.
Field Demonstration of a Monitoring Toolbox for In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation
Evans, S.
Characterization of Groundwater Flow at a Mountainous Watershed, Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado
FazelAlavi, F.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Fenelon, J. M.
Detecting Distant Drawdowns with Water-Level Modeling
Fennessy, C.
Groundwater Remediation Using a Chlorine/Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process
Ferry, E.
Unlock the Opportunity!—A Re-Evaluation of the Lower Trinity Aquifer in Central Texas
Fiedler, L.
Evaluation of Selected Groundwater Cleanup at NPL Sites
Fitzgerald, R. H.
Dual Domain Transport Impacts on Projected Groundwater Remediation
Freim, J.
A Combined Abiotic- and Bio-Remediation Approach Saves Money while Improving Performance for In-Situ Anaerobic Remediation
Gahrbi, A.
Environmental Study of the Underground Dam on the Recharge of Om Lagsab's Underflow
Garcia, S.
Groundwater Remediation Using a Chlorine/Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Gárfias Soliz, J.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Gass, T.
Ethics for Groundwater Consulting Professionals
Ge, S.
Characterization of Groundwater Flow at a Mountainous Watershed, Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado
Gefell, M.
Zipliner Technology: Improving Safety and Implementability of Direct-Push Soil Sampling
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Gerlak, A.
Groundwater Management and Governance: A Policy Perspective
Giaudrone, D.
Delivery and Performance of Oil-Based EAB Amendments in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids
Gilbert, E.
Groundwater Remediation
Groundwater Remediation (cont.)
Gnau, C.
Water Management Improvement Strategies for the Kansas Lower Republican River Basin
Gozdor, M.
Geochemical Control of Arsenic, Gross Alpha, and Ra-226/Ra-228 Groundwater Impact at a Coal Combustion Plant
Greer, A.
Reactive Transport Model for Drilling Fluid Contamination, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Gregory, B.
Setting the Stage: A Groundwater Transport Model Used to Support an Innovative MNA Approach
Grieve, P.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Griffin, A. C.
Remedial Performance Evaluation of Dual PRBs Installed in a Historical Arroyo
Guo, L.
Removal of Arsenic and Mercury with Permeable Reactive Barrier Consisting of Iron Oxide Particles
Gurrieri, J. T.
Inventory and Monitoring of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems on National Forests and Grasslands
Haddock, D.
Adventures in Designating the Mahomet Aquifer of Illinois as a Sole Source Aquifer
Halford, K. J.
Detecting Distant Drawdowns with Water-Level Modeling
Hanna, T.
Twilight Session: Specifier/Owner - Contractor Conflict during Well Construction Projects
Wells and Drilling
Wells and Drilling (cont.)
Wells and Drilling (cont.)
Exploring the Adaptive Sports for the Disabled on the Ski Slopes and Outdoors
Hansen, T.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Harris, V.
Characterization of Deep Groundwater Resources at Owens Lake, Inyo County, California
Hartsock, J.
Limitations of Vacuum-Enhanced Extraction: Residual LNAPL in Sandy Soils as a Long-Term Source of Contamination
Hathaway, D. L.
A Groundwater Management Toolbox—Anticipating Coordinated Management of Indian and Non-Indian Water Rights
Presentation by Deborah L. Hathaway, PE
Heilweil, V.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Heller, N.
Characterization of Zonal Variation of Water Chemistry in Deep Groundwater Through Application of Miniaturized Technology
Herzog, S.
Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity Structures: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange in Model and Constructed Stream
Hesch, W. E.
Achieving Dramatic Improvements in Model Efficiency and Accuracy Using MODFLOW-USG: A Case Study
Higgins, C.
Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity Structures: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange in Model and Constructed Stream
Hill, M. C.
Groundwater Model Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses: Methods, Results, and Recommendations
Hobson, A.
Integrated Water Management Using Remote Monitoring for an Open-Pit Limestone Quarry
Hoch, S.
Superfund or Superwaste??????
Hogue, T. S.
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Holubnyak, Y.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
House, J. R.
Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater Modeling (cont.)
Water Quality Outside of Capture Zone Improves with System Operation
Setting the Stage: A Groundwater Transport Model Used to Support an Innovative MNA Approach
Howard, R. O.
Challenges in Planning for Groundwater Remedy Transition at a Complex Site
Hudson, C.
Drilling an Array of Columns to 95 Feet to Install Deep ZVI Permeable Reactive Barrier
Hynek, S.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Jang, W.
Modeling of Groundwater Contamination by Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs)
Jansen, J.
Freshwater/Saltwater Interactions
Freshwater/Saltwater Interactions (cont.)
Mapping Shoreline Groundwater Interactions in Southern California Using Geophysical Methods
Jehn-Dellaport, T.
Locating, Investigation, and Defining the Pawnee Aquifer, Northeastern Colorado
Johnston, S.
Economic Effects of Removing the Permit Exemption for Domestic Wells
Jorat, S.
Characterization of Deep Groundwater Resources at Owens Lake, Inyo County, California
Kaiser, P.
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Karanovic, M.
A Groundwater Management Toolbox—Anticipating Coordinated Management of Indian and Non-Indian Water Rights
Kay, J. T.
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Keester, M.
Unlock the Opportunity!—A Re-Evaluation of the Lower Trinity Aquifer in Central Texas
Keller, K.
Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen as Hydrologic Tracers of Aquifer Recharge
Kelson, V.
A Design Model for a Scavenger Well Couple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kempf, A. D.
Remedial Performance Evaluation of Dual PRBs Installed in a Historical Arroyo
Kengkoom, S.
Flowing Artesian Well Field Development in the Central Chi River Basin Project, Northeast Thailand
Kettab, A.
Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Methods and the Influence of Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Aquifer Surface Recharge
Knight, R.
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Knobbe, S.
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Kochiss, C.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Konetchy, B.
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Kovyatkina, L.
Hydrogeological Model of the West Siberian Megabasin
Kreamer, D. K.
Water Sources, Lower Virgin River Basin: Evidence for Deep Groundwater Contribution from Geochemical Tracer Analyses
Krekeler, M.
Sorption and Transport of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Palygorskite-Montmorillonite: Effect of Granule Size
Kuiper, S.
Determining Discharge from the Fallasburg Dam and the Hydrology of the Flat River Bypass Channel, Lowell, Michigan
Kurchikov, A.
Hydrogeological Model of the West Siberian Megabasin
Kvam, P.
Groundwater Remediation Using a Chlorine/Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process
Langevin, C. D.
Recent Enhancements to MT3DMS for Simulation of Solute Exchange in Hydraulically Connected Stream-Aquifer Systems
Leal Bautista, R. M.
Improving Groundwater Management in the Peninsula of Yucatan Through Virtual Training
Geophysical Exploration of the Solidaridad Municipality, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Lenczewski, M.
Tracing Creosote Contamination Through Slag Waste in a Hyper-Alkaline Environment, Chicago, Illinois
Reactive Transport Model for Drilling Fluid Contamination, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Resume Writing for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Fine Tuning Your Interviewing Skills
Presentation by Melissa Lenczewski, Ph.D.
Leone, G.
Remedial Performance Evaluation of Dual PRBs Installed in a Historical Arroyo
Lertsirivorakul, R.
An Evaluation of Aquifer Heterogeneity at the ASR Site, Sukhothai, Upper Chao Phraya Basin, Thailand
Geochemistry of an Artificial Storage Recovery (ASR) System in Sukhothai Province, North-Central Thailand
Levy, J.
Sorption and Transport of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Palygorskite-Montmorillonite: Effect of Granule Size
Groundwater Dye Tracing in Lusaka, Zambia: Delineation of Contribution Areas for Drinking Water Sources
Licher, S.
Adventures in Designating the Mahomet Aquifer of Illinois as a Sole Source Aquifer
Lidong, W.
Source, Migration, and Occurrence of the Potassium Rich Subsurface Brines in the Sichuan Basin
Effect of Deep Groundwater on Karstification of the Lower Ordovician Carbonate Rocks in Tazhong Area
Lilla Manzione, R.
Water Balance in the Guarani Aquifer Outcrop Zone, Brazil
Limerick, P.
The West and Water: Filtering Out the Conventional Wisdom and Producing More User-Friendly Historical Lessons
Lipson, D. S.
Ethics for Groundwater Consulting Professionals
Groundwater Remediation in Karst Terranes: State of the Practice
Liu, G.
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Effect of Flow Rate on Physical, Chemical, and Biological Clogging Processes in Column Flow-Through Experiments
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Lodato, M.
Geochemical Control of Arsenic, Gross Alpha, and Ra-226/Ra-228 Groundwater Impact at a Coal Combustion Plant
Lopez-Tamayo, A.
Improving Groundwater Management in the Peninsula of Yucatan Through Virtual Training
Lopez-Tamayo, A.
Geophysical Exploration of the Solidaridad Municipality, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Losee, D.
Hydrologic Controls on the Extent of the Kasota 7 Calcareous Fen, Le Sueur County, Minnesota
Lubrecht, M. D.
Revisiting the Radial Collector Well: Applying New Technologies To Enhance Value
Lucido, J. M.
National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Portal: Continued Collaboration from Concept to Version 2.0
Macbeth, T.
Delivery and Performance of Oil-Based EAB Amendments in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids
MacCarthy, M. F.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
MacDonald, B.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Major, E.
Integrated Water Management Using Remote Monitoring for an Open-Pit Limestone Quarry
Mallonee, C.
Geochemistry of an Artificial Storage Recovery (ASR) System in Sukhothai Province, North-Central Thailand
Manago, K. F.
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Manning, A.
Groundwater Remediation (cont.)
Mansuy, N.
Water Well Asset Management: Complying with the “Revised Total Coliform Rule” with Preventive Well Maintenance
Marin, L. E.
Improving Groundwater Management in the Peninsula of Yucatan Through Virtual Training
Geophysical Exploration of the Solidaridad Municipality, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Martel, R.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Martin, P.
Parameter Uncertainty for Capture Zone Delineation in a Complex Hydrogeologic Environment
Masterson, K. K.
Dual Domain Transport Impacts on Projected Groundwater Remediation
Matusevich, V.
Hydrogeological Model of the West Siberian Megabasin
Communication Microcomponents Underground Waters of the West Siberian Megabasin with the Staging of Oil Formation
Maxwell, R. M.
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Mazzarese, M.
Utilizing High Resolution Site Characterization to Maximize Remediation Value in Groundwater and Soil Remediation
McCray, J. E.
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity Structures: Enhanced Hyporheic Exchange in Model and Constructed Stream
Hydrochemical Implications of Brine Leakage from Subsurface Operations into Freshwater Aquifers
McCray, K. B.
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
The NGWA Experience with Education and Core Competencies for Groundwater Scientists and Engineers
McGregor, D.
The Trials and Tribulations of Developing a County-Wide Water Level Monitoring Program
Megdal, S. B.
Groundwater Management and Governance: A Policy Perspective
Meiman, J.
Groundwater Dye Tracing in Lusaka, Zambia: Delineation of Contribution Areas for Drinking Water Sources
Meininger, T.
Losses in Denver Basin Well Efficiency Due to Declining Aquifer Water Levels
Meixner, T.
Seasonality of Groundwater Recharge in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America
Mihelcic, J. R.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
Mihm, K. A.
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed-In-Situ Snap Sampler Device
Mikell, C.
Twilight Session: Specifier/Owner - Contractor Conflict during Well Construction Projects
Mikkelson, K. M.
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Miller, G.
Groundwater and Stream Water Dynamics in a Premontane Transitional Rainforest Using Stable Isotope Techniques
Moore, R.
A Design Model for a Scavenger Well Couple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Moreno, J.
Integrated Water Management Using Remote Monitoring for an Open-Pit Limestone Quarry
Morris, L.
Best Practices for Reaching out to Private Well Owners
Morway, E.
Recent Enhancements to MT3DMS for Simulation of Solute Exchange in Hydraulically Connected Stream-Aquifer Systems
Moxley, N.
Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen as Hydrologic Tracers of Aquifer Recharge
Murray, K.
Managed Aquifer Recharge
Natural Hydraulic Fracturing, Fluid Pressure, and Saltwater Disposal in the Arbuckle: Implications for Induced Seismicity
Mutch, R. D. Jr.
First Year Progress Report: In Situ CO2 Sparging into a Caustic Brine Plume
Mutiti, S.
Groundwater Dye Tracing in Lusaka, Zambia: Delineation of Contribution Areas for Drinking Water Sources
N, S. R.
Hydrogeochemical Investigations and Solute Transport Modeling of Polluted Coastal Aquifer
Nair, V. V.
Analysis of Colloid Enhanced Contaminant Transport in Sets of Parallel Fractures with Fracture Skin
Navarre-Sitchler, A.
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Hydrochemical Implications of Brine Leakage from Subsurface Operations into Freshwater Aquifers
Neff, K.
Seasonality of Groundwater Recharge in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America
Nelson, M.
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed-In-Situ Snap Sampler Device
Nettasana, T.
Flowing Artesian Well Field Development in the Central Chi River Basin Project, Northeast Thailand
Nguyen, D.
Delivery and Performance of Oil-Based EAB Amendments in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids
Niemela, D.
Losses in Denver Basin Well Efficiency Due to Declining Aquifer Water Levels
Nowak, W.
Enhanced Multi-Objective Optimization of Groundwater Monitoring Networks
Nyambe, I.
Groundwater Dye Tracing in Lusaka, Zambia: Delineation of Contribution Areas for Drinking Water Sources
O'Steen, W. N.
Challenges in Planning for Groundwater Remedy Transition at a Complex Site
Osborn, S.
Groundwater Quality In the Vicinity of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Osiensky, J.
Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen as Hydrologic Tracers of Aquifer Recharge
Ovcharovichova, J.
Hydraulic Conductivity and Permeability of Sediments in Irrigation Canals
Palma Nava, A.
Numerical Model for Mexico Valley Aquifer
Panjasutharos, S.
Flowing Artesian Well Field Development in the Central Chi River Basin Project, Northeast Thailand
Parker, B. L.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
Parsekian, A.
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Patrick, G. R.
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Perlmutter, M.
Drilling an Array of Columns to 95 Feet to Install Deep ZVI Permeable Reactive Barrier
Petre, M. A.
The 3D Geological Modeling of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer: Challenges and Solutions
Petulo, P.
Groundwater Dye Tracing in Lusaka, Zambia: Delineation of Contribution Areas for Drinking Water Sources
Pope, D. A.
National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Portal: Continued Collaboration from Concept to Version 2.0
Popiel, J.
Zipliner Technology: Improving Safety and Implementability of Direct-Push Soil Sampling
Puls, R.
Pre-Drill or Baseline Water Quality Testing for Oil and Gas Operations
Quesnell, K.
Tracing Creosote Contamination Through Slag Waste in a Hyper-Alkaline Environment, Chicago, Illinois
Quinnan, J.
Groundwater Remediation (cont.)
Raimondi, E.
Reactive Transport Model for Drilling Fluid Contamination, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
Raney, J.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Reading, L.
Investigating Groundwater Chemistry in the Coal Seam Gas Fields of the Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia
Reboulet, E. C.
High-Resolution Quantification of Groundwater Flux Using a Heat Tracer: Laboratory Sandbox Tests
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Resto, M.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
Reumann-Moore, K.
Groundwater Quality In the Vicinity of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Reyes, B.
Climatological and Anthropogenic Impacts on Contributions to Urban Groundwater in Los Angeles, California
Rhodes, C.
Groundwater Remediation Using a Chlorine/Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process
Rhyner, J. W.
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Hydrogeologic Guidelines for Large Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Rich, D. W.
Data Management for the New and Expected Petroleum Baseline Sampling Rules
Risser, D.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Rivera, A.
Groundwater Deficit and Land Subsidence in the Lerma-Santiago-Pacifico Watershed, Mexico
Rivera, A.
The 3D Geological Modeling of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer: Challenges and Solutions
Roark, B.
Groundwater and Stream Water Dynamics in a Premontane Transitional Rainforest Using Stable Isotope Techniques
Robles, M.
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Rue, G.
Isotopic and Geochemical Characterization of Water Movement Through Abandoned Mine Workings, Nelson Tunnel, Creede, Colorado
Runkel, R. L.
Groundwater Tracer Investigations to Support Remedial Investigation—Rico Mining District, Southwest Colorado, USA
Rush, J.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Ryan, J.
Groundwater Quality In the Vicinity of Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
Ryan Mishkin, K.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Scharenbroich, M.
Twilight Session: Specifier/Owner - Contractor Conflict during Well Construction Projects
Schmidt, A.
Superfund (cont.)
Schneider, K.
Developing and Rehabilitating Water Supply Wells
Schneider, S.
Comparison of Water Supply Well Drilling Methods
Schreiber, R. P.
Collaboration Is Key to Successful Implementation of the National Ground Water Monitoring Network
National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Portal: Continued Collaboration from Concept to Version 2.0
Schulmeister, M.
Geochemistry, Isotopes, and Tracers (cont.)
An Evaluation of Aquifer Heterogeneity at the ASR Site, Sukhothai, Upper Chao Phraya Basin, Thailand
Geochemistry of an Artificial Storage Recovery (ASR) System in Sukhothai Province, North-Central Thailand
Limitations of Vacuum-Enhanced Extraction: Residual LNAPL in Sandy Soils as a Long-Term Source of Contamination
Seawell, B.
Ethics for Groundwater Consulting Professionals
Selker, J.
Detecting Vertical Movement of Fluid in Wells and Aquifers with High Resolution and Over Long Times Using Fiber Optics
Sharp, J.
Changes to Subsurface Metal Mobility in a Bark Beetle-Infested Forest
Sherif, M.
Application of Resistivity Imaging in the Assessment of Groundwater in Areas of Springs
Singha, K.
Twilight Session: Use of electrical resistivity in hydrogeologic problems
Skinner, C.
Fluids in Human Bodies and Some Parallels to Global Resources and Reactions
Presentation by Catherine Skinner
Smith, N.
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Field Demonstration of a Monitoring Toolbox for In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation
Smith, N.
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Delivery and Performance of Oil-Based EAB Amendments in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids
Soderberg, K.
Passive Grab Sampling for Dissolved Methane at Depth with the Sealed-In-Situ Snap Sampler Device
Solomon, D. K.
Stream Methane Monitoring for Evaluating Groundwater Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Development
Song, X.
The Contaminated Site Remediation Industry in China
Removal of Arsenic and Mercury with Permeable Reactive Barrier Consisting of Iron Oxide Particles
Sorenson, K.
Fracture-Emplacement and 3D Mapping of a Micro-Iron/Carbon Amendment in TCE-Impacted Sedimentary Bedrock
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Presentation by Kent Sorenson, Ph.D., PE
Spurlin, M. S.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance—A New Tool for Enhanced Environmental Investigations
Srivastava, V.
Combined Remedies: Success by Design or Default?
Stanley, L. R.
Harmonics—Clean Power at the End of the Line
Stephens, D. B.
Panel: Is The New Generation of Professionals Adequately Trained To Meet the Current and Future Challenges?
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Sterrett, R.
Brine and Deep Aquifers
Brine and Deep Aquifers (cont.)
Brine and Deep Aquifers (cont.)
Brine and Deep Aquifers (cont.)
Stotler, R.
Effect of Flow Rate on Physical, Chemical, and Biological Clogging Processes in Column Flow-Through Experiments
Stover, S.
Water Management Improvement Strategies for the Kansas Lower Republican River Basin
Swaid, F. A.
Use of Hydrochemistry and Stable Isotopes for Groundwater Evolution and Contamination Investigations, Jabal Hasouna Reservoir
Swenson, J.
Hydrologic Controls on the Extent of the Kasota 7 Calcareous Fen, Le Sueur County, Minnesota
Taha, A.
Contribution of the GIS (Geographic Information System) in the Management of Foggara
Thampi, S. G.
Analysis of Colloid Enhanced Contaminant Transport in Sets of Parallel Fractures with Fracture Skin
Thompson, A.
Effect of Flow Rate on Physical, Chemical, and Biological Clogging Processes in Column Flow-Through Experiments
Trout, K. A.
Exploring the Value of Manual Drilling to Academic Research and Training
Uliana, M.
Hydrologic Controls on the Extent of the Kasota 7 Calcareous Fen, Le Sueur County, Minnesota
Umstot, T. G.
High Recharge at Semi-Arid Site Explains Wide-Spread Perchlorate in Groundwater with a Deep Water Table
Varady, R. G.
Groundwater Management and Governance: A Policy Perspective
Veliskova, Y.
Hydraulic Conductivity and Permeability of Sediments in Irrigation Canals
Verhagen, I.
Perfluorochemicals: How Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Helped Create a Megaplume
Vink, S.
Investigating Groundwater Chemistry in the Coal Seam Gas Fields of the Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia
Walker, C.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Walsh, D.
Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Unconsolidated Near-Surface Aquifers Using NMR Geophysics
Walther, R.
Evaluating Coastal Aquifer Recharge as a Barrier to Saltwater Intrusion and Improving Aquifer Water Levels
Warner, K. L.
Panel: Water Quality is Not Expensive, it is Priceless
Waskom, R.
Improving Groundwater Management in the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
Watney, W. L.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Waugh, P.
Engineers Without Borders
Weatherby, M.
Evaluating Coastal Aquifer Recharge as a Barrier to Saltwater Intrusion and Improving Aquifer Water Levels
Weegar, A.
Hydrologic Controls on the Extent of the Kasota 7 Calcareous Fen, Le Sueur County, Minnesota
Wehrmann, A.
Adventures in Designating the Mahomet Aquifer of Illinois as a Sole Source Aquifer
Wendland, E.
Water Balance in the Guarani Aquifer Outcrop Zone, Brazil
Weyer, K. U.
Twilight Session: Dynamics of Groundwater Flow
White, K. A.
Groundwater Remediation in Karst Terranes: State of the Practice
Wildenschild, D.
2014 NGWREF Darcy Lecture — Optimizing Capillary Trapping as a Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Strategy: Pore-Scale Findings in Support of Larger-Scale Implementation
Williams, M.
Twilight Session: Watershed Hydrology: Fracking, climate change, glaciers and other fun topics
Isotopic and Geochemical Characterization of Water Movement Through Abandoned Mine Workings, Nelson Tunnel, Creede, Colorado
Groundwater Tracer Investigations to Support Remedial Investigation—Rico Mining District, Southwest Colorado, USA
Wilson, J.
Best Practices for Reaching out to Private Well Owners
Wilson, S. D.
Best Practices for Reaching out to Private Well Owners
Winter, D.
Introduction of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances into Groundwater Samples Using Industry-Standard Sampling Equipment
Wireman, M.
Superfund (cont.)
Collaboration Is Key to Successful Implementation of the National Ground Water Monitoring Network
Groundwater Tracer Investigations to Support Remedial Investigation—Rico Mining District, Southwest Colorado, USA
Wireman, M.
Isotopic and Geochemical Characterization of Water Movement Through Abandoned Mine Workings, Nelson Tunnel, Creede, Colorado
Wisher, S.
Utilizing High Resolution Site Characterization to Maximize Remediation Value in Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Wissler, M.
Geochemical Control of Arsenic, Gross Alpha, and Ra-226/Ra-228 Groundwater Impact at a Coal Combustion Plant
Wittman, J.
Adventures in Designating the Mahomet Aquifer of Illinois as a Sole Source Aquifer
Wong, S. S.
An Integrative Approach for Understanding Groundwater Processes Using Multi-Scalar Data in a Shallow Karst Aquifer
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Wood, A. L.
Measuring Contaminant MASS Flux/Groundwater Velocity in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Using Passive Flux Meters
Woolford, J.
Superfund Perspective on Groundwater Remediation
Worsley, A. M.
An Integrative Approach for Understanding Groundwater Processes Using Multi-Scalar Data in a Shallow Karst Aquifer
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Wreath, D.
Geologic Carbon Storage in the Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Kansas
Wunsch, A.
Hydrochemical Implications of Brine Leakage from Subsurface Operations into Freshwater Aquifers
Wymore, R.
Bioremediation as a Full-Scale Remedy for a Trichlorethene-Contaminated Source Area and Diffuse Plume
Delivery and Performance of Oil-Based EAB Amendments in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids
Field Demonstration of a Monitoring Toolbox for In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation
Yelderman, J. C. Jr.
An Integrative Approach for Understanding Groundwater Processes Using Multi-Scalar Data in a Shallow Karst Aquifer
The Search for “New” Groundwater Sources: Assessing Unconventional Aquifers
Yelderman, J. C. Jr.
Application of WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates to Shallow Groundwater Recharge in Complex Terrains
Yingling, V.
Perfluorochemicals: How Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Helped Create a Megaplume
Zhou, X.
Determination of the Location of the Fresh-Salt Water Interface in Coastal Unconfined Aquifers
Zhu, J.
A Method of Estimating Groundwater Return Flow to Rivers from Riparian Irrigation Districts
Estimating Evapotranspiration from Groundwater Level Fluctuations