Alabama Groundwater: Policy and Management Based on Comprehensive Hydrogeologic Data

Presented on Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Marlon Cook, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Alabama is blessed with abundant groundwater resources from more than 25 major aquifers that provide public water supplies for more than 70% of the geographic area of the state. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and the Permanent Joint Legislative Committee for Water Policy and Management have joined to initiate the development of a water resource management plan and water policy legislation in Alabama. These state leaders understand that water policy must be based on sound scientific data. Therefore, the Groundwater Assessment Program at the Geological Survey of Alabama has been mandated to conduct a comprehensive statewide assessment of groundwater resources. This assessment consists of 15 parameters that include quantitative and qualitative evaluations that will guide legislation and future development of groundwater resources in Alabama. The assessment includes methodologies modified from oil and gas exploration as well as traditional hydrogeologic and geochemical investigations. Groundwater availability is determined by a combination of aquifer storage and recharge estimates and current production impacts from evaluations of groundwater levels and drawdowns.

Marlon Cook
Geological Survey of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Marlon Cook is manager of the Hydrogeology Group at the Geological Survey of Alabama. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and a Master of Science degree in Hydrogeology from the University of Alabama. He was an Exploration Geophysicist in oil and gas exploration in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Jackson, Mississippi; and Houston, Texas and has worked for the past 17 years as a Hydrogeologist with the Geological Survey of Alabama involved in research to protect and develop the groundwater and surface water resources of Alabama. This work includes aquifer assessments, hydrostratigraphic and geochemical analyses, and watershed investigations.
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