The Use of Brackish Groundwater for Hydraulic Fracturing Activities in South Texas

Presented on Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Thomas Titus1, Tina Petersen, Ph.D, P.E.1, Jason Mills, P.G.2, Stewart Magenheimer, PG3 and Austin Haynes, EIT1, (1)CDM Smith, Inc., Houston, TX, (2)Technical Service Unit, CDM Smith, Maitland, FL, (3)CDM Smith, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, FL

Water management is key to oil and gas operations within the Eagle Ford Shale Play in south Texas. Hydraulic fracturing typically requires a significant volume of water and south Texas is an area with limited sources of water. Thus, operators are faced with a limited number of sourcing options. This presentation will provide an overview of brackish groundwater sources in south Texas with an emphasis on brackish groundwater within the Yegua-Jackson, Queen City, and Carrizo Aquifers. The data presented were obtained from several brackish water supply wells drilled to support oil and gas operations. These wells range from shallow (<1,000 feet) screen and gravel pack wells to deep (3,000 to 6,000 feet) perforated wells. The flow rates of these wells range from approximately 300 to 1,000 gallons per minute. The water quality of these wells range from slightly brackish (TDS between 1,000 to 3,000 ppm) to saline (TDS > 10,000 ppm). The data demonstrate that brackish groundwater is a viable water supply alternative for oil and gas operations.

Thomas Titus
CDM Smith, Inc., Houston, TX
Tom Titus is a geologist at CDM Smith, Inc. in Houston, Texas. He has more than 15 years of experience in water supply, characterization, and remediation.
Tina Petersen, Ph.D, P.E.
CDM Smith, Inc., Houston, TX
Ms. Tina Petersen is a Principal Engineer with CDM Smith, Inc.with a strong technical and regulatory understanding of Texas water resources, water quality, and water regulations.
Jason Mills, P.G.
Technical Service Unit, CDM Smith, Maitland, FL
Mr. Mills is a registered professional geologist located at the Maitland, FL office of CDM Smith. He is a senior water resources geologist over 20 years of experience with water resources, including hydrogeologic/hydraulic assessment, water supply, and water use permitting, stormwater drainage wells, Underground Injection Control permitting and design of deep well injection systems, and aquifer storage and recovery.

Stewart Magenheimer, PG
CDM Smith, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mr. Magenheimer is a Principal Geologist with CDM Smith, Inc. and has over 25 years of experience in water supply.
Austin Haynes, EIT
CDM Smith, Inc., Houston, TX
Austin Haynes is an engineer at CDM Smith, Inc. in Houston, Texas.
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