Maintaining and Providing Data to Help Unravel Groundwater in a Geologically Complex Environment

Presented on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Sara Chudnoff, PG, Self Employed

Bernalillo County, located in central New Mexico, encompasses 1,160 mi2 and has a population of 662,564 (2010 census).  The majority of the population resides in Albuquerque and adjacent unincorporated areas and is served by the local utility, which utilizes surface and groundwater. To the east are the Sandia and Manzano Mountains, referred to locally as the East Mountain Area (EMA). The population in the EMA relies solely on groundwater, with roughly 53% of the population relying on domestic wells. 

The hydrogeology throughout the EMA is very complex, and not well understood.  A number of agencies, frequently in conjunction with the County, have undertaken efforts to monitor water levels since the 1960’s.  Much of the work completed has been at various monitoring points and sporadic.  Because of this hydrologic modeling efforts in the region are complicated and at times controversial.

Due to concerns of limited water supply, declining water levels, and a population that solely relies on groundwater the County monitors roughly 200 domestic wells and County owned wells in the EMA.  Measurements are taken quarterly and the program continues to grow. Through the County’s monitoring program a continuous dataset is being compiled which will help future parties with modeling efforts.  Additionally measurements are shared with other government agencies, net water level changes are being mapped to aid policy makers and residents, and a public portal is underway to make the data easily accessible.

Sara Chudnoff, PG
Self Employed
Sara Chudnoff is a hydrogeologist currently working on Water Right issues in New Mexico and volunteering in her community in the White Mountains of Arizona to address groundwater issues through education and awareness. Chudnoff holds a B.S. in Geology from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and a master’s degree in Water Resources from the University of New Mexico and is a licensed Professional Geologist in Arizona and Texas.
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