Monday, April 25, 2016: 3:00 p.m.
Andrew B. Bittner
Gradient, Cambridge, MA
John Kondziolka
Peter Nangeroni, P.E.
Woodard & Curran, Dedham, MA
Robert McGrath
Woodard and Curran, Dedham, MA
Manu Sharma
Gradient Corp, Cambridge, MA
Andrew B. Bittner, Gradient, Cambridge, MA
Andrew B. Bittner is a licensed environmental engineer with more than14 years of experience specializing in the fate and transport of contaminants in porous and fractured media, NAPL transport, groundwater hydrology, groundwater and surface water modeling, remedial investigation and design, and soil vapor intrusion modeling. He has applied these skills to develop cost effective remedial solutions at pharmaceutical facilities, manufacturing plants, and dry cleaning facilities at sites around the world. In particular, Bittner has extensive experience developing risk-based remedial strategies, designing remedial investigations, delineating and characterizing the distribution of environmental pollutants, and overseeing remedial operations in South America.
John Kondziolka, Gradient
John Kondziolka is an environmental engineer at Gradient with experience using physical experiments and numerical simulations to solve unique problems in environmental fluid mechanics and contaminant transport. In particular, he has used a variety of analytical and numerical techniques to understand site histories, develop conceptual site models, support risk assessments, and design and implement remedies at sites both in the U.S. and abroad. Kondziolka also works in the areas of environmental forensic analysis, groundwater and surface water modeling, cost allocation, and litigation support. Before joining Gradient, he worked at the MIT Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, modeling sediment transport.
Peter Nangeroni, P.E., Woodard & Curran, Dedham, MA
Peter Nangeroni has over 30 years of due diligence, site investigation and remediation, redevelopment planning, environmental engineering, construction management, and solid and chemical waste management experience. He also has extensive experience in the evaluation of remedial alternatives and the management of diverse project teams in the conceptualization, design, permitting, construction, and operation of remedial programs, with an emphasis on PRP-led CERCLA sites.
Robert McGrath, Woodard and Curran, Dedham, MA
Robert McGrath is employed by Woodard and Curran in Dedham, Massachusetts.
Manu Sharma, Gradient Corp, Cambridge, MA
Mr. Sharma consults on a wide range of environmental sciences topics, including water quality, contaminant fate and transport modeling, risk assessment, hazardous waste site cleanups, and environmental response cost liability/allocation. With more than 25 years of consulting experience, he has successfully applied these skills to solve a range of complex problems, from assessing health risks associated with chemicals in products to developing cost-effective remedial solutions at both small and extremely large contaminated sites. He has served as an expert on cases related to multi-PRP liability assessment and cost allocation, contaminant transport, remedial investigation/design, standard of care, and water resource development.