NGWA Conference - Hydrology and Water Quality in the Southwest : Alphabetical Content Listing
Mining Impacts on Groundwater Quality (cont.)
Bruce Thomson, Ph.D.
Effect of Intermittent Flow on Metals Mobilized from Native American Abandoned Uranium Mine Waste Sites
Sumant Avasarala
Understanding Water Chemistry Under Uranium Recovery by In Situ Leaching for Aquifer Restoration
Omar Ruiz
Aquifer Recharge
Matt Ely
Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater: More Than Just Drought
Bruce K. Daniels, Ph.D.
We have computed statistically significant trends in precipitation timing patterns from the decades of daily climate observations from many California stations. Applying just these timing trends to basin models, but without any change in total precipitation, we show how they surprisingly produce substantial recharge reductions, e.g., nearly a 7% recharge decrease over the next 30 years.
Changes of temperature alone can cause substantial impacts on groundwater recharge. Every degree Fahrenheit of temperature increase causes a 4% increase of evaporation. Since the ET fraction of total precipitation is often quite high at 50%–70%, then even a moderate increase in that evaporation would represent a considerable water loss. This is demonstrated by applying the predicted 7°F temperature increase to California groundwater basins to show those substantial impacts on groundwater recharge.
The predictions of California sea level rise are as much as 4½ feet. Coastal basins can only be protected from the additional seawater intrusion induced by this sea level rise by a corresponding rise of inland water levels. Such a protective action can be translated into a virtual loss of recharge, e.g., for a small coastal basin a loss of 500af per year for the next 85 years.
Tracking Deep Groundwater in Northwest New Mexico: Water Chemistry Evolution and Potential Recharge Implications
Erwin melis
To build a representative model, we relied on existing USGS studies characterizing the SAG aquifer, utilized existing NMBGMR cross sections, and categorized geochemical data in order to develop a hydrogeological model of groundwater within the CP. The Plummer et al. (2004) dataset was utilized to constrain the final composition of the average groundwater sample in the western AB, whereas the evolution of a theoretical SAG groundwater sample was constrained by water quality sample data from the USGS NWIS. Our model suggests there is some variation in SAG aquifer water quality that could be explained by some groundwater moving quite fast, whereas older (and slower) groundwater may contribute the bulk of the salinity but not the volume. The groundwater flow to the AB may therefore be concentrated into several pathways; some that preferentially move along dominant (karstic) corridors within the Rio San Jose corridor.
Aquifer Recharge (cont.)
Sara Chudnoff, PG
Applying Geochemistry to Managed Aquifer Recharge Projects
Christopher P. Wolf, PG
In the Santa Rosa-Chinle aquifer system, the potential for reactions between treated surface water and the aquifer materials that would mobilize iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) was evaluated, and the calculated saturation indices (SI) and oxidation reactions indicate that Fe and Mn solubility should be limited during recharge operations.
In the Tesuque Formation, fluoride concentrations were predicted to exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level (MCL) in the recovered water based on fluorite solubility and mixing calculations. This information was used to identify treatment requirements for potable water use.
In the Santa Fe Group aquifer system, arsenic concentrations were initially diluted by the injected water but quickly rebounded during recovery, as a result of dissolving iron coatings on aquifer sediments releasing iron and adsorbed arsenic into solution. In another case, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was injected into the recharge water as a conservative tracer used to monitor recharge water movement in the aquifer. The SF6 tracer was observed in the monitor well network eight days after injection operations started, at a distance of 75 feet from the injection well.
These geochemistry studies provided critical information about the operation and treatment of waters recovered from these managed aquifer recharge systems.
Identification of Karst Groundwater Systems in the Pecos River Watershed and Salt Basin, New Mexico
Annie M. McCoy, CPG
Quantity and Location of Groundwater Recharge in the Sacramento Mountains, South-Central New Mexico
Geoffrey Rawling
Understanding Trace Organic Chemical Attenuation During Groundwater Recharge by Means of a 2D Synthetic Aquifer
Julia Regnery
We designed and constructed a laboratory-scale two-dimensional (2D) synthetic aquifer equipped with an array of automated sensors (temperature, water pressure, conductivity, soil moisture, oxidation reduction potential) and adjacent water and soil sampling ports to test and model fundamental subsurface processes that occur during MAR more closely representing field settings. This biologically active 2D synthetic aquifer consisting of technical sand and defined pockets of field soil measures 5 m long by 2 m tall and allows for simulation of an unsaturated infiltration zone and a saturated zone with underlying groundwater flow. Tracer experiments using conservative inorganic tracer as well as five spiked TOrC indicated significant differences in contaminant transport that were not explained by compound specific soil water distribution coefficients but related to the charge of molecules.
Aquifer Recharge (cont.)
Sara Chudnoff, PG
Forest Thinning to Increase Groundwater Recharge
Paul Davis
The Sacramento Mountains Watershed Study: Can Thinning Trees Increase the Water Supply?
Talon Newton, Ph.D.
Use of Direct Push Logging and Sampling to Characterize a Groundwater Recharge Plume
Wes McCall, PG
Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Matt Ely
ABCWUA Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Amy Ewing, P.G.
Following successful implementation of a demonstration project using instream infiltration at Bear Canyon in 2008 and 2009, the full-scale project has been permitted by the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer. The first recharge event under the full-scale permit occurred in November 2014–March 2015, and the project will now be operated on an ongoing basis, with up to 3,000 acre-feet of water being recharged during winter months. Water is discharged into Bear Canyon arroyo and infiltrates through approximately 500 feet of unsaturated material (vadose zone) before reaching the aquifer.
The Water Authority is also working to develop additional recharge projects, including the Large-Scale ASR Project, which will establish a long-term drought reserve using treated surface water from the Water Authority’s drinking water treatment plant (DWTP). This project includes recharge demonstration using vadose zone and ASR wells at the DWTP. This presentation will provide an overview of the Water Authority’s ASR project operations and future plans.
Groundwater Mangement
Matt Ely
Spatially-Distributed Estimates of Groundwater Discharge to Streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Matthew Miller
The Domestic Well Exemption in the West: A Case Study of Santa Fe's Municipal Ordinance
Maxine Paul
Use of Groundwater and Surface Water Fluctuations to Estimate Evapotranspiration
James Syme
Keynote Address: Challenging Times Ahead in Hydrology
Daniel B. Stephens, Ph.D., PG
Mining Impacts on Groundwater Quality
William Alley, Ph.D.
Assessing Background Groundwater in the Uranium Mining Belt of Northwestern New Mexico
Tom Myers, Ph.D.
Use of Chemical and Isotopic Identifiers to Characterize a Uranium Contaminated Groundwater Plume in New Mexico
Mitchell Schatz
Non-Traditional Water Resources
Sara Chudnoff, PG
Brackish Water for Inland Water Supply: Hydrologic Challenges
Bruce Thomson, Ph.D.
Brackish Water Resources and Recharge Rates in the Capitan Reef Aquifer, Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas
Lewis Land
Characterizing Brackish Water in New Mexico
Stacy Timmons
Panel: Water Quality - Constituents of Concern
Laura Bexfield
Poster Session
Changes in DOM Quantity and Quality in a Southern Rockies Forested Catchment
Galveston Begaye
Physiochemical Studies of Biofilm Growth on 3-D Printed Nanosurfaces Towards Improved Wastewater Treatment
Philip Roveto
Our research is focused on developing a better understanding of how attachment surface geometry and chemistry affects biofilm structure and function. We are evaluating high surface-area surfaces composed of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), poly-lactic acid (PLA), and nylon plastics fabricated with 3-D printing technology, which include hundreds of miniature wells (1 mm)3 for bacterial colonies to grow. The plastic surfaces were laminated with a series of covalently cross-linked polymeric layers, alternating between commercially available polyethyleneimine (PEI) and synthesized poly-dimethylazlactone (PDMA). A terminal layer containing residual azlactone rings was then further modified by attaching spermine, a long-chain nitrogen-rich substrate, to create a physio-chemical nanosurface potentially capable of increasing bacterial adhesion.
A series of bioreactors were designed to provide consistent environmental conditions for untreated and modified surfaces. Constant aeration provided sufficient dissolved oxygen levels, and a well-buffered synthetic nutrient source provided inorganic carbon in the form of bicarbonate, ammonia, a metabolic energy source for the nitrifying bacteria, and additional biologically necessary nutrients. Colony health was measured by nitrification rates, based on ammonia removal. Early results show the corresponding rate of chemical transformation per unit of surface area increased 3-4 times over the course of one month to 3 g/m2/d of ammonia.
The People by the River
Leo S. Leonhart, Ph.D., RG
This paper addresses the FMIT’s water resource challenges, including issues related to both water supply and water quality. For the FMIT, the latter issue arises as a result of ongoing actions to remedy a groundwater plume of hexavalent chromium from the Topock Compressor Station, south of the FMIT Reservation and on grounds highly sacred to the Mojaves. This matter has created profound conflicts between the need to preserve traditional tribal values and to remedy a serious environmental threat.
Sustainabliity and Resilience
Bruce Thomson, Ph.D.
Aquifer Compaction and Land-Surface Elevation Change in the Albuquerque Basin from 2005 to 2014
Jessica Driscoll, PhD
Assessment of Potential Gila River Flow Alteration on Riparian Groundwater Conditions
Deborah L. Hathaway, PE
Groundwater Sustainability in Mesilla Basin–Rio Grande Valley Area, USA and Mexico—A Hydrogeologic Perspective
John Hawley
Surveying New Mexico’s Private Well Users About Well Characteristics and Water Testing Practices
Kathryn Hayden
Sustainabliity and Resilience (cont.)
Bruce Thomson, Ph.D.
Creating Simple Communication About Groundwater and Health Is Not Simple To Do. Why It Is Worth It.
Deyonne Sandoval, MS CHES
Private Well Outreach at Bernalillo County, What We Have Done and Where We Are Going
Sara Chudnoff, PG
All wells within Bernalillo County are permitted by the Office of the State Engineer (OSE) or by the OSE and the county. The county’s Natural Resource Services (NRS) section through its outreach efforts to domestic well users helps to raise their awareness of water quantity and water quality. Through the NRS residents can participate in free water testing, free well education classes, the Water Level Monitoring Program to help them better understand the aquifer system, and learn how to properly care for their wells (from applicable regulations to sampling and disinfection). To achieve these efforts, the county collaborates with several agencies including the State of New Mexico’s Department of Health, Environment Department, Bureau of Geology, and the OSE.
This presentation is an overview of the county’s outreach efforts to domestic well users, a summary of responses from the residents who participate in that outreach, and the ongoing collaboration among the involved agencies.
Water Quality
William Alley, Ph.D.
Assessing Variability in Groundwater Quality in the San Joaquin Valley, California with Continuous Monitoring
Justin T. Kulongoski
Groundwater also is sampled bimonthly at each well for nitrate (NO3), DBCP (Dibromochloropropane), perchlorate, δD, δ18O, 3H, 14C and major ion in an effort to correlate changes in pH, T, DO, SC, and NO3 with these constituents of interest. NO3, DBCP, and perchlorate were detected above maximum contaminant levels or at elevated concentrations in the shallower two wells.
The first years of data (2013-2015) show mostly constant groundwater quality in the deep well (190 m), which suggest that the deep aquifer is isolated from surface activities by low groundwater flow. This agrees with non-detectable 3H and low 14C activities in the deep groundwater. However, the shallow wells (98 m and 71 m) show increasing SC, NO3, and uranium levels, and have high 3H and 14C activities, suggesting more rapid communication with recharge at the land surface.
Hexavalent Chromium in Groundwater in the Davis/Dixon/Woodland Area, Western Sacramento Valley, California
Mary Stallard, PG, CEG, CHG
Water Quality (cont.)
William Alley, Ph.D.
Building a Robust Conceptual Site Model for Remedy Optimization of a Former Dry Cleaner Contaminant Plume
Michael Lamar, PE
Historical investigation efforts indicated that the subsurface geology was highly heterogeneous with a stratified, high permeability sand and gravel upper aquifer underlain by a lower permeability stratified sand, silt, and clay in the lower portion of the shallow aquifer. Observations from existing monitoring wells suggested that the stratified geology and low permeability layers likely resulted in both heterogeneous vertical distribution of DNAPL in the source area and sorbed mass is diffusing into the dissolved phase plume, acting as secondary sources of contamination. Therefore, the source area recirculation treatment system was primarily delivering amendment to the higher permeability groundwater, resulting in effective treatment in the transmissive zones, but contaminant mass in the low permeability layers was not as effectively treated.
A post-remediation site investigation was performed to evaluate PCE mass distribution vertically and assess the magnitude of residual, sorbed, and diffused mass in the stratified soils. A TRIAD approach was applied using a mobile laboratory for fast-turnaround PCE data in both groundwater and soil. The results from this investigation profoundly changed the conceptual site model and will be used to determine the most appropriate next steps for remedy optimization of this PCE plume.