Thinking Outside the Boxcar: Combined Remedies using Single Application of Multi-Functional Amendments

Monday, December 4, 2017: 11:50 a.m.
102 A (Music City Center)
Matthew Burns , WSP, Boston, MA
David Carstens , WSP, Boston, MA

The combined remedy approach to groundwater remediation optimizes contaminated site cleanup as measured by technical efficacy and sustainability. Regardless of the potential for improving site cleanups, there are several obstacles limiting the implementation of combined remedies. The obstacles primarily stem from an inability of liability owners to easily determine if economic costs are synergistic or additive and from regulatory hesitancy to codify needed timing and technology sequencing flexibility within design documents. These obstacles can often be circumvented by employing multi-component and multi-functional remedial amendment formulations delivered with a single application.


Case studies are presented that demonstrate efficacy of this combined remedies approach. The sustainability of the approach is also assessed by evaluation of economic viability, social productivity and environmental protection. The case studies include combined abiotic and biotic degradation of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes compounds, combined reductive and microaerophilic treatment of chlorinated benzenes, and combined chemical oxidation and biodegradation of petroleum compounds. Case studies are supported with conventional concentration trends and advanced diagnostics including compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and genetic-based molecular biological tools (MBTs).

Slides in PDF
Matthew Burns, WSP, Boston, MA
Matt is a Technical Fellow at WSP. He is based Boston, Massachusetts and brings chemical and microbial process expertise to assist local WSP teams with challenging investigation and remediation projects across the globe. He has more than 20 years of professional engineering and chemistry experience and has authored numerous publications and conference platform presentations. He is a frequent lecturer at continuing education workshops and webinars. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a Master of Science Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park.

David Carstens, WSP, Boston, MA
Technical Manager

NGWA Groundwater Summit is being held in conjunction with Groundwater Week.

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