Connecting the Dots...Groundwater, Surface Water, and Climate Connections in the Northwest: Alphabetical Content Listing
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater: More Than Just Drought
Bruce K. Daniels, Ph.D.
Statistically significant trends in precipitation timing patterns have been calculated from the decades of daily climate observations from many weather stations. Applying these timing trends to local basin hydrology models without any change in total precipitation, produces substantial changes in recharge.
Change of temperature alone might cause impacts on groundwater recharge. The ET fraction of total precipitation can be quite high at 50%–70%. Therefore even a moderate increase in such ET could represent a considerable water loss. This is demonstrated by applying the predicted 7°F temperature increase to basins and showing the impacts on groundwater recharge.
Predictions of West Coast sea level rise are as much as 4½ feet. Coastal basins can only be protected from the additional seawater intrusion induced by this sea level rise through a corresponding rise of inland water levels. It is shown how such a protective action can be translated into a virtual loss of recharge. In other words, some recharge has no value for gaining supplemental supply, but instead just worthwhile for offsetting sea level rise impacts.
Note that I did present a similar talk at the NGWA conference last month in New Mexico. Dr. John Hawley, another presenter, said I need to be a keynote speaker in as many water meetings as possible. With such encouragement I am trying to see if you have an interest in this talk too.
Future of Groundwater
Maria Gibson
Groundwater in California Cascade Aquifers: First-Magnitude Springs and Regional-Scale Storage and Flow
Lee Davisson
Regional Transport of Heat by Groundwater: Implications of Climate Change
Erick Burns
Drought Resilience/Water Availability/Scarcity
William Alley, Ph.D.
An Approach to Understand Water Quality Trends in Groundwater in the Columbia Plateau, Washington, Oregon and Idahi
Terrence Conlon
City of White Salmon Aquifer Storage and Recovery — Completing the Water Supply Puzzle
Tim Flynn, LHG, CGWP
The City was historically served by a high quality surface water source from Buck Creek, a tributary of the White Salmon River. When compliance with increased surface treatment standards proved costly, the City, in partnership with the City of Bingen and Port of Klickitat, developed a new groundwater well field to replace surface supplies. The well field was initially highly productive, but has shown significant decrease in yield over time. Additionally, the City faced shortages in the annual water supply authorized under their water rights, forcing a moratorium on new connections.
In response to these shortages in both source yield and regulatory authority, the City seeks to improve supply reliability by pursuing an ASR project to take seasonally available winter flows from the new treatment plant, inject treated water into a City production well, and recover water during peak summer demands. The ASR project just finished the pilot testing stage, which showed the City can expect to inject, store, and recover about 100 acre-feet per year, and thus provide approximately 25% of peak (summer) demand.
Effects of Beaver Dams on Groundwater Elevation and Temperature in an Incised, Semiarid Stream
Carol Volk, PhD
Groundwater Monitoring, Modeling, and Development in Response to the Military Buildup in Guam
Stephen Gingerich, Ph.D.
Two withdrawal scenarios (predevelopment conditions and a 5-year drought) indicated that prior to pumping, the freshwater lens was 10 to 50 feet thicker in the Yigo-Tumon basin and more than 50 feet thicker in the Hagåtña basin. The 2010 withdrawal distribution during a 5-year drought would result in decreased water levels, a thinner freshwater lens, and increased salinity of water pumped from wells. Available water with an acceptable salinity would decrease from about 34 million gallons per day to 11.5 million gallons per day after 5 years but recover to pre-drought levels 5 years after the return of average recharge conditions.
Five additional scenarios to assess groundwater demand projections and proposed new well sites under average and drought conditions indicated decreased water levels, a thinner freshwater lens, increased water salinity, and unacceptable salinity at several current withdrawal sites. However, some scenarios indicated that more than 40 million gallons per day can be withdrawn and the salinity of this water will remain in the acceptable category, except during drought.
Three Washington Cities with New Water Needs Using Shared Mitigation to Offset Impacts in Two Major Watersheds
Michael Gallagher, LHG
Olympia (and the Nisqually Tribe), Lacey and Yelm coordinated their efforts regarding future water supply needs for each entity. All three cities used the same regional groundwater model and agreed to have their modeling consultants coordinate any changes with each other and to peer-review the model each time it was changed.
In addition, the Cities combined their planning efforts and financial investment to propose a series of “water-for-water” and “out-of-kind” mitigation actions including recharging reclaimed wastewater and purchasing and retiring existing water rights and land purchases for riparian improvements to address modeled groundwater and surface water depletions that could be expected to occur in the Nisqually and Deschutes Basins and McAllister, Woodland Creek and Yelm Creek Sub-basins. Ecology also invoked the "Overriding Consideration of Public Interest" (OCPI) provision [RCW 90.54.020(3)(a)] since not all mitigation covered year-round pumping impacts from all of the new wells at full build-out.
During the winter and spring of 2012, Ecology approved and permitted Olympia’s water right changes from McAllister Springs to the new McAllister Wellfield and approved all of Lacey’s new water right applications. Ecology also approved Yelm’s application for new water. Yelm’s permit was appealed by a small group of local residents living near Yelm and this appeal (Foster v. Yelm) was elevated to the Washington State Supreme Court in May 2015. In October 2015, the State Supreme Court ruled that Ecology exceeded its authority in issuing a new water right permit where all seasonal stream flow impacts were not offset with “water-for-water” mitigation.
Overall, joint mitigation efforts by neighboring cities or other public water supply entities can serve as a good example for how other municipalities and water systems can effectively and sustainably obtain new water for expected long-term growth in basins that have instream flow rules. However, due to the October 2015 Washington State Supreme Court decision, only water-for-water mitigation can be used. Thus the tools available for mitigation to offset future water uses by applicant for water rights in Washington is dramatically narrowed.
Using Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Tualatin Basin to Provide Water Security to a Small Municipality
Robyn Cook, RG, PG, LG
In this small municipality, with a growing population and a changing climate, ASR will provide a cost-effective opportunity to use natural resources in a progressive and ecologically responsible manner. It is widely anticipated that warmer summers and declining snow packs will lead to diminished streamflows. By storing water during the winter, when precipitation and runoff are available, there will be less need to use valuable surface water during the summer months.
Using ASR to store water underground will provide the City with water security in the event of catastrophic dam or reservoir failures (which are a concern for the JWC’s Hagg Lake storage impoundment) that could result from a major subduction zone earthquake. Having an ASR program and an onsite generator will provide the City with a reliable backup water supply to meet the challenges of a growing municipality, including annual changes to the water cycle and the potential for catastrophic events.
Keynote Address — Climate Change and Water: Interconnections Within the Hydrologic Cycle
Diana Allen, Ph.D.
Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction
Yen-Vy Van, LHG
Evaluating the Role of Precipitation Pattern on the Temporal Changes in Streamflow and Baseflow
Zablon Adane
Hyporheic Cooling with Implications for Support of Fish Habitat in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
Bart Faulkner
Parallelization and Linearization of Stream Depletion Analyses
Colby Osborn
Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Between the Spokane River and SVRP Aquifer
John Covert, LHG
One consequence of the drought conditions was that Avista did not open the gates on their Post Falls dam on the Tuesday after Labor Day (which is the first day their FERC license allows them to begin drawing down the Lake Coeur d’Alene) like they do most years. In fact, they waited until mid-October to open the gates. This month-long delay in changing the flow regime in the Spokane River provided an opportunity for the hydraulics of the system to reveal an interaction between the Spokane River and the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer that had not been recognized in the 100+ years of streamflow data.
Data from the largest water purveyor in the aquifer suggests that summer pumping for all municipal uses from the aquifer was likely around 450 cfs in mid-August. As the daily maximum air temperature dropped near the end of August from the 95 oF range to 55 oF over a two week period, pumping stress on the aquifer started a month long decline. By the end of September, daily pumping from the aquifer likely dropped by 160 cfs. During the month of September, flows at the downstream gage on the Spokane River gradually climbed by 90 cfs while the flows at the upstream gage remained steady.
Continuous water level measurements collected at observation wells in the aquifer reveal a pronounced change in slope within a couple of days of the beginning of the break in groundwater pumping. The water table in the aquifer began rising at on August 29, 2015. 29 hours later, flow in the Spokane River began to rise.
A 160 cfs decrease in groundwater pumping from the aquifer resulted in a gradual increase in head in the aquifer of around half a foot over the month of September. This lead to a 90 cfs increase in discharge of water out of the aquifer and back into the river in the gaining reach.
This increase in discharge of groundwater back into the river must occur every year as the weather transitions from summer to fall conditions and groundwater pumping from the aquifer subsides. Normal river operations prevent us from seeing this gradual rebound in groundwater discharge. But the 2015 drought allowed us to see this surface water/groundwater relationship in the river flow for the first time in 100+ years of monitoring.
Understanding Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streams in the Willamette Basin, Oregon
Nora Herrera
This cooperative study resulted in a final report that describes numerical models of the regional and local groundwater-flow systems and evaluates the effects of pumping on groundwater and surface-water resources. The models described can be used to evaluate spatial and temporal effects of pumping on groundwater, base flow, and stream capture.
The results from this study may be used to identify areas in the Willamette Basin where more data is needed to better understand groundwater and surface-water interactions. The scenarios in this study consider only changes in pumping as a cause of changes to groundwater levels, base flow, and stream capture. Other factors, such as climate change or changes in water-use patterns can also affect the hydrologic system. This study and the modeling tools it provides can be used as a starting point for climate and water-withdrawal optimization studies, water management and policy discussions, and strategies to help avert future water scarcity in the Willamette Basin.
Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction (cont.)
Erick Burns
Flow of Groundwater at the Interface with Permafrost
Sairavichand Paturi
The objective of this study is to determine the pathway for sulfolane to reach the subpermafrost portion of the aquifer, we accomplished this goal by determining the vertical and horizontal flow gradients in key locations of the plume. Given the errors in water level measurements due to the frost heave and thaw settlement of monitoring wells indicates large measurement errors. Monte Carlo method is used to determine the asymmetrical errors. By reducing the measurement errors a three dimensional model with flow vector visualization of groundwater with discontinues permafrost has been created. The effect of seasonal variability in the flow pattern unleashed new understandings of the contamination plume boundary. With a precise flow vector visualization, seasonal variability and measured concentrations of sulfolane, a cutting-edge groundwater flow pattern in discontinuous permafrost regions has been determined. This is the fundamental study that has investigated groundwater flow at the interface with permafrost bodies in areas of discontinuous permafrost. Understanding this interaction is key to our understanding of contaminant transport, aquifer recharge, and resource development in subarctic environments.
Hydrochemistry and the Flow System of Selected Geothermal Groundwater in Korea
Hanna Choi
The coastal geothermal groundwater show the Na/Cl ratio about 0.48, seven times higher EC values and heavier isotope values ( 18O to 2.98‰, δ2H to 18.3‰) than shallow groundwater, indicating directing impact of sea water into the geothermal system. However, in the inland sampling sites, all the geothermal groundwater, shallow groundwater and surface water have similar 87Sr/86Sr ratio each other, implying that hydrochemistry of the those waters were formed by basically same water-rock interactions. Using the NETPATH program with the corrected 14C data, the circulation time of rainfall to geothermal groundwater were estimated to be from 2,000 to 5,700 years at the sites. The deeper the wells, the older the 14C age of groundwater. Hydrochemistry of deep geothermal groundwater in inland sites appear to be similar, but became diversified along the flow paths to the shallow groundwater system. Accounting for the age of waters and their hydrochemistry, it seems that the infiltrated rainfall forms shallow groundwater with diversified composition, and takes long time to become geothermal groundwater with strong water-rock reactions.