John Price

John Price
Washington Department of Ecology, Richland, WA
John Price III is the Tri-Party Agreement Section Manager for the Washington Department of Ecology in Richland, Washington. John has worked with the Nuclear Waste Program since 2000. John administers the Hanford site Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order, and is his program's tribal liaison to three tribal nations with ceded rights at the Hanford site. He supervises a ten-person team including five hazardous waste compliance inspectors and two Natural Resource Damage Assessment specialists. He has over 35 years experience cleaning up radioactively contaminated sites in 17 states. John was an ITRC team member for Determining Cleanup Goals at Radioactively Contaminated Sites: Case Studies (2002), and since 2014 has been a team leader for Remediation Management of Complex Sites. John earned a bachelor's degree in Hydrology from the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona in 1979 and holds Washington licenses in Geology and Hydrogeology.