Fundamentals and Refresher Course on Groundwater and Wells: High-Capacity Well Design Fundamentals and Refresher Course on Groundwater and Wells

Presented on Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Donald Hanson, Clear Creek Associates, Scottsdale, AZ

Donald Hanson
Clear Creek Associates, Scottsdale, AZ
Don Hanson is a Principal Hydrogeologist with Clear Creek Associates based in their Scottsdale, AZ office. During his 30 years in the consulting business, he has managed the design, installation, and testing of over 40 high capacity public supply and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells. He has authored nearly 20 technical presentations on groundwater development, water supply wells, well rehabilitation, groundwater recharge, and water resources planning. Don holds a BS degree in Geology and is a registered geologist in Arizona and Wyoming.

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